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The Chat.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by TahGamer, Jun 10, 2012.

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  1. TahGamer

    TahGamer Catapult Fodder

    I don't think someone has actually suggested this, or there was a topic beforehand about this.

    However, in the last update(or rather, updates ago) the chat layout was changed. I didn't really like this update because it put the chat on the bottom, so whenever I'm playing Archer, it's blocking a pretty good amount of view space.

    I was told to wheel-scroll back, but all it really did was just hide my item count and moved the chat up a bit even more. I was going to suggest if we could move the chat, or, just hide it all together and just be brought up whenever we press said button. Chat bubbles will still display from player's heads in case I'd like to reply.

  2. Whenever you are in game, press the home key then type /cc_valign 0;

    That will put it back on top, if that is what you're looking for :p
    Sitanel and TahGamer like this.
  3. TahGamer

    TahGamer Catapult Fodder

    Thank you! I guess this thread is useless now. :D
    jerloch likes this.
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