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The Haiku of KAG (general KAG poetry thread)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cleggy, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    All those master, mediocre and miserable haikuists out there, your time has come! Post your haikus related in some way to kag and tell other players your woes and victories through the art of this awesome Japanese poetry.

    For those new to haikus, don't be scared off as anyone can write a haiku-they are essentially just three lines with the first line having 5 syllables, the second having 7 and the third having 5 also, they don't need to rhyme. e.g.-

    The noob has no luck,
    He has been gibbed many times,
    By the mighty pro

    Your haiku does not have to follow these syllable rules but what makes a good haiku is simplicity, a paragraph won't do. If you see a great haiku, like it rather than comment on it as we want to keep this thread 90% actual haikus rather than people writing stuff about haikus. Feel free to post more than one haiku and if you want you could link it to the haiku above yours to express your opinion of it :wink:

    This is purely for fun so enjoy it ::):

    To start the thread off here is one of my haikus:

    There once was a hat,
    That made you look like a twat,
    Made from the hair of a guards cat.

    //EDIT by FBB: made this into the general poetry thread, rather than have several different threads floating about. Just make sure the poems are at least vaguely related to KAG.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2014
  2. PixieKeira

    PixieKeira Shopkeep Stealer
    1. Delta Force - Delta

    Silhouette rises
    Comes the feared builder Pixie!
    Everyone ragequits.
    Boxpipe and Beepo like this.
  3. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Haikus are so gay
    I haven't got much to say
    I quite like haikus

    Builders are so shit
    Who put the doors on the ground
    please don't open them

    Bombjumping knight! ban!
    he is clearly a hacker
    'cause archer no fly

    Oh look an archer
    Sit in his tower all day
    No way to counter
  4. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    The slash of a blade,
    Crystal clarity pervades,
    The blood-lust Blossoms.
    FuzzyBlueBaron and Boxpipe like this.
  5. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    Builders tunneling
    Back of base
    KAG is like that

    The egotistic knight fights
    His adversary dead
  6. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Something tells me you don't know how to write a haiku.
    bru-jaz, AngelOfDeeath, Waky and 7 others like this.
  7. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    Gave it a go. If it's wrong, it's wrong and that's fine by me.
  8. Something tells me you don't know how to read the OP. :P

    Now for something that happens to me quite regularly.

    Prepares to block slash
    Hit by fiend with the high ping
    Goes on a nice trip
  9. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    I am addicted
    Always checking my alerts
    Please like my post now!

    Arthurian League
    POWER is a steamroller
    MOLEs are ragequitters

    I disagree with the OP. I think a good deal of the fun in composing haikus comes from following these restrictions.
    (I do agree that we should have moar haikus though.)
    bru-jaz, jimmyzoudcba, Hawxx and 8 others like this.
  10. potatomcwhiskey

    potatomcwhiskey Undercover Griefer Donator Tester

    Haikus are not about syllables. Its an entirely different concept in japanese, its just syllable is the closest english language analogy we have.

    Good day sir you dunce
    my haikus are so legit
    you cannot deny
  11. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    If i were a guard,
    The world would be quite scarred But,
    I am not a guard.

    The admin was new,
    He had no clue what to do,
    So he spammed F3.
    jimmyzoudcba, Waky and Boxpipe like this.
  12. Beelzebub

    Beelzebub Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Our builders are dumb
    Goddamn stop holding the door
    And there goes our base
  13. DeathArrow

    DeathArrow Catapult Fodder

    There was once a builder
    On 0 spawn
    Who left open the door and killed us all

    Our admins
    So powerless and small
    To share there bans for one And all

    KAG Forums so huge and addictive
    Makes me want to read my 11 alerts to one and all

    There was a furious knight
    So stupid and dumb
    Who bombed the tower and killed us all

    The portals
    Noob builders building them all
    Loosing the game in less than 2 minutes

    Sorry if its not good my first time
    jimmyzoudcba, Boxpipe and AL3X_j_M like this.
  14. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    DeathArrow used all,
    So much it became uncool,
    And it killed us all.
    (variety is important DeathArrow)
    Boxpipe likes this.
  15. DeathArrow

    DeathArrow Catapult Fodder

    Yeah sorry I guess that was my first time ill learn sorry
    Boxpipe likes this.
  16. gard gard gard gard gard
    who's calling there, sweety?
    it me gard they greif
  17. Bint

    Bint Haxor

    Haikus are clearly not my preference.
  18. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    The plains howling,
    Two doors placed at ground level,
    What a fucking noob.
    Waky and Boxpipe like this.
  19. Lord_bugg

    Lord_bugg Smashing Donator

    Griefer runs amok,
    no admins here to stop them,
    Now the match is lost.
    Boxpipe and rocker2 like this.
  20. cleggy

    cleggy Arsonist

    Lord is oppressive,
    To his loyal followers,
    The bugg revolt starts.
    Boxpipe and Lord_bugg like this.