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The HARD war with a lot of zombies!

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Diprog, Aug 10, 2013.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Diprog

    Diprog Bison Rider Tester
    1. FUN Servers

    Server name: The HARD war with a lot of zombies!
    Slots - 12
    Game Mode - Hard Zombie Fortress
    Hosted in Germany
    Max ping - 800
    Ping warnings - 1000

    Rules :
    I. Game:
    1. Don't grief or throw zombies in houses(little - 1 hour ban, medium - 1 day ban , big - permanent ban)
    2. Don't block spawn (kick)
    3. Don't kill teammates (10 mins ban)
    4. Don't use bugs/glitches (kick)
    5. Don't kill migrants (kick)
    6. Don't block players (kick)
    7. Don't enrage admins and players (admin has the right to kick)
    8. No buildings at border (right or left, admin can destroy building with editor)
    1. Don't insult players/admins (10 mins mute)
    2. Don't speak about setting yourshelf to moderator/admin (10 mins mute)
    3. Don't flood (10 mins mute)
    Administration :
    1. The main administartor - Diprog (owner of server, modding and ideas)
    2. Second administrator - Araxorn (ideas)
    3. Third administarator - Iqorxx (ideas)
    1. Help with chicken cfg file - Frec
    Dondeeesta - Griefing;
    SSASubzero - Griefing;
    SWAGUY - Griefing;
    terraria_clone - Griefing;
    herobrine778 - Griefing;
    alexlee441 - Griefing;
    grozapl - Griefing;
    danxxsz2712 - Griefing;
    megativ - Griefing;
    gramolis - Griefing;
    JamesEB2005 - Griefing;
    buddy120402 - Griefing;
    Kag6 - Griefing;
    Gameo - Griefing;
    -VollFett- - Griefing;
    Egran - Griefing;
    misterminhteeminty - Griefing;
    boblot - Griefing;
    barnhog - Griefing;
    Only_Gabe - Griefing;
    icecreaman - Griefing;
    vjbfpp - Griefing;

    mod download will be later

  2. <3 ur server
    Diprog likes this.
  3. Chidori

    Chidori Naruto ナルト Donator

    Nice :O
    Diprog likes this.
  4. Tim_27

    Tim_27 Catapult Fodder

    Hi Diprog I would like to be whitelisted because your server is the only server I like! please my name is Tim_27 !
Mods: jackitch