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The myth of the quadruple bomb jump... *Grab your popcorn, it's story time*

Discussion in 'KAG Media' started by KCx13, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. KCx13

    KCx13 Catapult Fodder

    On the starting days of KAG, the founders were having a laugh and started adding in different physics mechanics. They found that if they were to experiment they could make bomb jumps possible. After a good few days of coding and experimenting, it worked, they had made something that made it possible to grab your shield, your bomb, and take flight in the air. It was simple, throw the bomb on the ground, wait, jump, shield, and *BOOM*, you're off. The people of KAG were delighted, jumping about all over the place, stabbing and slashing at their foes as they dropped into their base. The founders were pleased and continued on creating more content for KAG. Until... People started doing strange things with the bombs, trying to use 2 of them to travel even longer distances... Until someone finally done it. They threw a bomb on the ground, one in the air, and *WHOOSH* they were off, straight into the enemy spawn, taunting, and creating havoc, words like 'NOOB', phrases like 'I DONE THINGS TO YOUR MOTHER LAST NIGHT' were thrown at him, yet he kept slashing, blood was flowing from the tent and people wanted to know, how did he do it? How did he do the double bomb jump? The word was out, throw your bomb on the ground, in the air, then jump and shield. People started to do it with ease, even some of the newer members could do it. Then the admins intervened and pretty much banned all spawn killers. But, people still continued to experiment... Someone said 'Hey, why not use 3 bombs?' heads turned to look at the new member, faces like :P and :eek: were pulled. But people started thinking the unthinkable, 'hey why not?' They practiced and practiced. They done it, using a £100 a month fibre optic internet and some wits, they had finally done it. Sword slash the bomb up, throw another bomb up, throw one down and *BAZOOPLE* the bodies flew across the air! They were soaring so fast even the fibre optic connection from the depths of Virgin couldn't handle it. Yet it was captured on youtube. The days of KAG moved on, people didn't care about bomb jumps anymore, it was now 'surfing' and 'Ooohh when is the update coming out?' SHUT UP I SAY! *Cough* Sorry, got a little out of character there. Anyway, a group of people had seen the triple bomb jump video, and got interested. They practiced and practiced, until finally, they had mastered the technique. One of the group sniggered and said 'Hey why not a quadruple bomb jump LOL xD' the other members of the group didn't find it funny, they found it to be a challenge. So they set off. They collected data from hundreds of bomb jumps, thousands of body parts exploded, millions of bombs fused, they had found that if they were to have a team mate throw a bomb at them after the 3rd bomb was thrown on the ground they could use the 'cheap' method (fusing a bomb, jumping, shield up) to make a 4th bomb jump. So they tried testing it. So many failures, so many 'OOHH THAT WAS SOO CLOSE'. Until finally. On action unlimited, they done it. But something unexpected happened. Everyone on the server disconnected. A member of the group tried to get back on, but he couldn't. He was happy they had done it, but was sad he didn't get to see the speed they flew at. 'Meh' he shrugged and tried to join another server, the message came up 'Check to see if the server is running'. So he tried another, same thing, another, same thing. He exited KAG. Then restarted it. Still nothing. The next day he decided to try again. The whole of KAG had crashed, the founders covered it up by saying it was an update and the game was to be downloaded again. The member of the group shivered. He had done something, that crashed a game...

    Still people to this day wonder if the quadruple bomb jump could be done, or even attempted. But the members of the group know... No, this should never be done, who knows what could happen a second time...

    Or are you willing to try?
    Elf, SlyStalker and Lieber like this.
  2. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Sorry just not sure why this was posted as a myth when it's already been confirmed, the only further possible confirmation is a video which is pretty unnecessary.

    You can probably do up to 5 as long as you can juggle them (would require a second person actually).
  3. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Even with a quad bombjump, I don't think I could get over that wall of text.
    Elf, LolFox24, SlyStalker and 11 others like this.
  4. KCx13

    KCx13 Catapult Fodder

    It's magic, y'know, never believe it's not so!
  5. funnymonkey

    funnymonkey Builder Stabber

    before your going to light the third bomb your just going to have get someone to throw a bomb then you can catch throw it and somehow catch it agian. Thats only way. Nearly impossible but with some practice (alot) you could probably do it. :p
  6. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Its so simply im going to get a vid of it.

    It wil be up soonish.
  7. D0ubl3Tr0ubl3

    D0ubl3Tr0ubl3 Shopkeep Stealer

    This is almost immpossible.
  8. KCx13

    KCx13 Catapult Fodder

    This is to be noted, this is not based on facts, just a fun story. Sorry if I caused any butt hurt
    funnymonkey likes this.
  9. funnymonkey

    funnymonkey Builder Stabber

  10. Brandon816

    Brandon816 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    The real question is, why did you choose this particular subject for a "fun" story? Assuming it was supposed to be a true story, and you (or someone else) did successfully pull of a quadruple bomb jump, what next? You will probably lose a good chunk, if not all, of your life on landing, and also be without any bombs to do some real destruction to the enemy base. Why glorify something simply based on the difficulty of doing it, and ignoring the utter uselessness of it? Especially when a cata-bomb-jump is way more controllable and gets you about as far and high, for only the cost of 1 bomb.
  11. KCx13

    KCx13 Catapult Fodder

    As I said, fun story.
  12. lazas1234

    lazas1234 Builder Stabber

    I've done the quadriple bomb jump before by my self and it does not crash the server but it make a bit of lag

    The best way to do it is to be at a bomb shop
  13. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis
