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Things you may not know about Archer

Discussion in 'Archer' started by HA1TER, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    6.In middle of combat when there are no builders,don`t scream for ladders or don`t dig them.Use arrows to climb.It is much faster.
    7.When you are out of arrows and if there is enemy archer,tease him to shoot you so you can pick them up!
    8.You can catch arrows in mid air!Slower arrows are easy to catch,fast ones requires lots of practice.
    Kurohagane and Erasold like this.
  2. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    9. You don't have to be aiming at the enemy all the time. The arrow will still go to that enemy if you move your cursor back to him. This means you can fake people out. If there's at least 2 targets to choose from, and that knight is being stubborn and constantly shielding all your arrows, or the archer is good at dodging start aiming at the other target, but don't fire. The enemy should see this and come out of cover/unshield, allowing you to quickly put your sights on him again and fire.
    Erasold likes this.
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    10. Try to get in high ground. Try not to sit on ladders though.

    11. If you're 1vs1 against a knight, keep hopping over him and shooting him into the back.

    12. You don't always need to do full charge. Majority of knights will continuously try to stab you when they're near, leading them vulnerable to fast attacks.

    13. You can snipe people off ladders by firing them full charged, which leads to their death if the ladders are in high ground.
    Erasold likes this.
  4. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    14. When you are anticipating an assault on your current location fire one or two arrows to judge the distance and the angle that you need to position your mouse. These marker arrows will help make your shots count when you need them to.

    15. You should not fully destroy a tree to get arrows. Trees have multiple stages of destruction. Destroy it so that it only takes one hit from a builder to gather wood. Credit to Neat's video archer guide for this info.

    16. Hide under bushes or corpses which will completely cover you. Only fresh corpses can hide you.

    17. Dig trenches when you are in open flat ground for quick cover. The battle will slowly turn into trench warfare between archers. If a knight is charging you bugger out of there and retreat.

    18. Saving a minimum of five arrows will almost always ensure that you have a way to retreat. Some people seem to forget that you don't have to fully charge your arrows to build your path back. Well.. You don't.
  5. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    19. Shoot arrows at a wall so their angle is perpendicular to the wall, and you are able to climb them.

    20. When shooting, keep your cursor near your player. This will allow for less movement when an angle adjustment needs to be made.
  6. Aoki

    Aoki Shopkeep Stealer

    21. Builders hate you unless you give them caek! (resources)

    22. The reason they hate you is because you always blocking in their building path, pray to God builders wont get somekind kick attack update, or you might get spartan-ed (kicked down)

    23. Builders hang around you because they wants to build something, no seriously they dont swing that way *ehem* you're in the way so MOVE!
    KingGoldZX likes this.
  7. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    Stop. Please.
  8. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    You could tell that in a serious manner. Someone please delete his post from this awesome thread.
    Noc, illu and dwatring like this.
  9. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    i disagree with no2.
    the normal zoom out is just fine,besides it scrolls if you aim at a direction wich for me is finer to work with.
    my opinion tou.
  10. little_Peasent

    little_Peasent Shark Slayer

    24. was already hinted at 7&8 : you can PICK UP shot arrows with a RIGHT MOUSE CLICK !
  11. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    25. 3-4 archers that fire max power arrows can shoot down knight army.
    IloveElectro likes this.
  12. crodude

    crodude Shipwright

    26. When you're going close combat with a knight, make sure they have atleast 1,5 hearts or less left. Then when he is about to hit you you can shoot him and hopefully kill him. With a bit of skill, you might even be able to dodge the stab.

    27. If you are badly injured and close to an outpost/base, just run back there and heal by pressing E and switch back to your class(or any other class you might fancy at that moment.)
  13. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    28.If another archer is shooting you spam right mouse you will catch arrow maybe and not die.(i know it was said in 8 but it wasnt clear)
  14. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    29. You can destroy catapults and outposts with your arrows. It takes a while, but is definitely worth the effort to snipe exposed constructions.

    30. Lying down prevents you from colliding with enemies, letting you dodge knights falling on your head. Be warned it does nothing to protect you from the subsequent sword slashes though.

    31. When falling towards a shielding knight, you can hit him with a fully charged shot to break his shield, allowing your butt to do full damage.

    32. When a knight has a bomb primed, hitting him with a fully charged shot makes him drop it, even when shielding. Pick it up and throw it back at him!

    33. (General) Standing on top of a knight and jumping up and down does no stun, but if you jump from the top of his head and hit the edge of his hitbox, you hit a bit lower doing full stun.

    34. (General) You can pick up and hold extra hearts with E to give yourself a quick heal when you get hit.

    35. You can climb arrows even if the surface they were stick in is a horizontal wall, or even it disappears! Practice climbing ceilings a bouncing across drawbridges.

    36. Hiding in grass just to shoot people in the back isn't worth it, but hiding in grass to give yourself a chance to cap the enemy flag definitely is.

    37. (General) You can change classes at enemy outposts. Try using your arrow ladders and stealth to get into an enemy outpost, then change to knight so you're hard to take out!

    38. Crouching makes you lie down, which doesn't make for very good teabagging. Spam left click to allow yourself to humiliate your enemies!
  15. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    39. When retreating realize that charging your arrows slows you down, so decide whether you want to kill the advancing enemy or book it to safety. Because when you start charging the enemy will catch up most of the time.
  16. Pezzhippo

    Pezzhippo Shipwright

    Hi folks, I'm still fairly new to this fantastic game, and Archers are my class of choice, so I thought I'd add a few things I've found helpful :)

    40. Work closely with Knights.

    40.1. Your shots pass through friendlies, and with coordination, a Knight's shield can make a ton of difference when countering enemy archers.

    40.2. Your charged shot stuns enemy Knights who are blocking, allowing your team mates the opportunity to slash-up the opposing Knight, often negating their ability to block small passages. This can also hold true for a squad of archers, firing in a staggered manner can cause havoc on even swarms of enemy Knights, especially in tight spaces.

    41. Practice volleying shots (arcing them over obstacles). If you've picked up a ton of arrows during the fight, volleys can make for an ideal suppression tactic, or a means to eliminate a few pesky builders who're hiding behind a wall manning catapults etc. Be warned, however, over-use of volleying can quickly drain your ammunition, while simultaneously giving the enemy your arrows should they fail to hit anyone, so use it sparingly, and only when you have the ammo to then advance forward to achieve more direct firing lines.

    42. Always scan ahead before moving out of cover, else you may end up the victim of an enemy archer who happened to have selected you as a potential threat and is waiting for you to poke your head up.

    Thanks to those who posted before myself, I've learned a great deal from this thread :D
    AJ and Neat like this.
  17. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Great first post.

    I liked the part about the shielding knights. As a knight player, I can't say how annoying it is that when i'm being helpful shielding an archer, they just run off and dont use my cover and end up dying!
  18. Carver

    Carver Meitantei-san Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    43. The knight's shield doesn't actually block shots on friendlies in the same space. This means you can shoot through knights who try to guard archers and builders (especially useful to counter skybridges!).

    *I also think that possibly updating the OP might help to get really useful hints noticed quicker.
    For example, Contrary's comment on utilizing fall damage. (#31)
  19. Erasold

    Erasold Shipwright

    A moderator should just take all of your posts, merge them together and give credit to each suggestions rightful owner, delete this thread and make a new sticky imo.
  20. Wolven

    Wolven Shipwright
