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Windows This is way over my head (Server clarification, please)

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Proioxis, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. Proioxis

    Proioxis Catapult Fodder

    Let me be brief and exacting.

    I downloaded KAG for me and a few friends (bought 4pk on steam; all are running on Windows 7 & Steam)

    I have used similar GUI programs for running Minecraft and Terraria servers before. The GUI server that I acquired didn't seem to help --> (This one)

    I just wanted to setup something small for 12 people at most; at least something for me and one other person (1v1 war seems fun)

    I tried the initial "dedicated.bat" file. I could not find the config file (autoconfig.gm) and needed to download it. That didn't work, because I didn't know how to setup the game-type, player count etc. So, afterwards, I tried using the GUI server tool. Setup with it seemed pretty straightforward. But, when I tried loading it, I got this:[​IMG]

    "STARTUP FAILED: script error ... scripts/custom_autostart.gm"

    I have no clue what any of this stuff means. That file doesn't even exist. I've searched for the past 5 hours for anything to help on this site and all over the net. Surprisingly, not even youtube seemed to have anything for me. Nobody seems to be missing this file. None of the instructions on the wiki help or do much of anything other than to tell me what I have already tried.

    What am I doing wrong?? Please just help me. I despise scripting, coding etc. I can't handle this stuff well, I get overwhelmed very easily. I only understand so much when it comes to this. Terraria TShock server setup is the most complex thing I've ever dealt with.

    If someone would be so kind to just help me, step by step, on how to setup a server, I would appreciate it to no end.

    I just want to know how/be able to setup a small server for a group of friends, or even a 1v1 with my GF or anyone else, as well as how to select and use the game-types I desire.

    Please help.
  2. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    That GUI is really outdated, also, this is the KAG Classic forum which isn't KAG from Steam (King Arthur's Gold Classic is where you are now, main forum page has King Arthur's Gold section, that's where you'll want to be, you're now once section lower).
    Check this. Change your variables in autoconfig.cfg.
  3. Proioxis

    Proioxis Catapult Fodder

    That really didn't tell me anything. The link you shared essentially tells me to download the "beta" (which I presume the game is still currently in, even the steam version) but I already purchased the game on steam.

    What exactly do I configure in the file? I tried editing things in there, but it didn't seem to do anything. I don't even know what I, the host, should connect to. When I go to multiplayer after launching KAG, I just click "connect to" and there's already an IP address filled in, so I connect to that. But, the game was set to challenge mode and I didn't want challenge mode at all; yet in the command window, it shows I've connected to my server I created.

    Again, this is all very, very confusing and extremely frustrating. Can you please be more straightforward?
  4. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Download the Windows of https://kag2d.com/en/download and install. Then open the created folder and edit autoconfig.cfg as you please. Once done (with done portforwarding, don't forget that. You need 50301) you double click dedicatedserver.bat and your server is running.
    Go back to Steam, launch the game and Direct Connect to or search for it in the server browser.
    Check if your server is 'connectable' at https://api.kag2d.com/servers by looking if "connectable": 1
  5. Proioxis

    Proioxis Catapult Fodder
