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Trees in map editor

Discussion in 'General Help' started by czubai, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    So uh, I tried to make a map, edited it in game a bit, saved. Loaded it up in paint.net to edit a tree in (used color picker). When I started the map again, all my tree blocks became stumps.


    I thought there might be two separate colors for stump and the rest of the tree, but it seems I was wrong. Any ideas?

    Oh yeah, the only tree that seems to be almost fine is exactly the same in the .png as the others.
  2. Catakus

    Catakus KAG Guard Tester

    Maybe you just plant a stump and it'll generate the rest?
  3. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Yes that is what happens (usually).
  4. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    Right now I'm trying to cut them. They regrow into normal trees, but it doesn't generate any branches and leaves, which sucks visually and since the map is for a video.. Even after saving and reloading, they stay the same. I wonder how is their appearance saved, they're just same-colored pilliars in the .png. Strange.

    Nope, they won't even grow in game.


    Ok, so it seems I was actually right with there being different colors for stumps and trunk. Pretty sure branches and leaves have them too. Shall study.


    Problem solved. Paint-NET sabotaged me by saving '13 103 34' as '13 102 34' (see below).

    RGB :
    Stump - 13 102 34
    Trunk - 13 103 34
    Branches - 13 104 34
    Treetop - 13 105 34
    Damaged trunk - 13 106 34
    ??? - 13 254 34

    Pretty sure it's correct. Might be useful for some perfect trees. Leaves seem to be generated randomly though.


    Problem NOT solved, I can't seem to get trees to generate normally. I thought '13 254 34' is used for it, but apparently - it's not. Help. :(
    Stone likes this.
  5. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester

    Trees are bugged I think.

    I tried copying a tree from a map generated by the game, but when I do that the tree doesn't grow back.

    The only to make tree grow back is to draw trees in 13 102 34. They'll just be stack of stumps, but at least they'll regrow (and when they grow they're not stumps anymore ! Yay !)
  6. czubai

    czubai KAG Guard Tester

    The only way to get proper trees is to manually create them from the different parts in my previous post. A shitload of unnecessary work, even with some copypasting.

    I hope MM will define one color which will be used to mark where proper trees will be generated.

    A very late update :
    Seems paint.NET which I've been using messes up RGB values when saving. MS Paint works better, lol. Probably that was the case, but I haven't had an opportunity to confirm it.