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Trying to connect to games - says "You have not logged into your game account."

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Pyrowiz, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Pyrowiz

    Pyrowiz Shipwright

    When I load up KAG, everything seems fine. I was able to play last night even, but all of a sudden after I log in and try to connect to a server it tells me that I am not logged in. It is as if I am getting logged out everytime I try to connect. I have to re-log in with each new attempt I make. Any suggestions or has anyone else encountered this?
  2. Pyrowiz

    Pyrowiz Shipwright

    Further update: I went so far as uninstalling and re-installing the game and it still logs me out whenever I try to connect to a server.
  3. CozyTiger

    CozyTiger Shipwright

    bump, I have the same problem, and I'm a premium
  4. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    It's possible that the master server is having a hard time handling the recent influx of new players. I've had similar problems as well lately. Keep trying, i'm sure things will be sorted out soon!
  5. Pyrowiz

    Pyrowiz Shipwright

    Could it have anything to do with when i open the game the text box last line before trying anything reads "Could not load sprite bank because the file does not exist: servers bank" Is this a problem?
  6. Pyrowiz

    Pyrowiz Shipwright

    Now I am finding I can enter the occasional CTF server and the small TDM servers like 6vs6, etc. But nothing over 20 people in a match. Thoughts?
  7. Pyrowiz

    Pyrowiz Shipwright

    Having even more trouble with login. I can connect to almost no servers.
  8. Helios101

    Helios101 Shipwright

    Im having exactly the same problem..and its gotten even worse i was playing on one server..it suddenly disconnects me then says im banned when i try to rejoin. I havnt done anything to get me banned so i doubt im actually banned. Help =( i love this game