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Application EU Turtlebutt (A bold one)

Discussion in 'For Admin on Official KAG Servers' started by Turtlebutt, Feb 24, 2019.

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  1. Turtlebutt

    Turtlebutt Bison Rider Tester

    • Which continent are you from?

    • How often do you play?
      5-15 hours a week, depends really.

    • What times are you usually available (Please answer with your timezone [in UTC +/- X form])?
      UTC 2-8 PM, (my timezone is EEST or GMT+2, 4-10PM)

    • Do you have any experience with being an admin on KAG servers?
      Yes, used to be admin on some of Vamist's servers.
      • If so, please go into detail about it
        Just basic stuff, muting/freezing rule breakers n stuff. Eventually the servers I played on got inactive and got demoted for inactivity.
    • Do you have any recommendations from notable people, such as moderators, server owners or current Official KAG Server Admins?
      Don't know, maybe.
      • If so, ask them to post here
    • Why should you become an admin and what makes you a good admin?
      Because I'm active ingame, I play by the rules myself, don't spam, I understand what is banter and what isn't and how to handle it.

    • Any other information you think might be relevant?
      I've been here for a bit, probably a recognizeable player. I won't take my banter behaviour to admin duties(kindof important yknow)

    • What is your Discord username and tag? You must be on the KAG discord (discord.gg/KAG) if you want to become an admin. Discord will be how you receive real-time assistance calls, as well as an easy way to contact other Official Server Admins.
      unit#8073 ,also active on the discord.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2019
  2. Lava

    Lava Former Lag King Staff Alumni Donator Tester

    very active, memer, notifies admins of baddies, id like to see him added
    PussyDestroyer and Turtlebutt like this.
  3. Biurza

    Biurza E X T R A T H I C C Staff Alumni Donator
    1. MIST
    2. Active Forum Users

    TDM player, rarely can you see proper admin on here.
    Would make for a splendid oksa.
    PussyDestroyer and Turtlebutt like this.
  4. Psiklaw

    Psiklaw Bison Rider

    Very active, good guy overall, +1
    PussyDestroyer and Turtlebutt like this.
  5. Legend

    Legend Builder Stabber Donator

    He's very chill and a good person overall, could handle almost any situation without getting mad. Good addition to OKSA team, +1
    PussyDestroyer and Turtlebutt like this.
  6. ParaLogia

    ParaLogia tired Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Seems like a chill player.
    PussyDestroyer and Turtlebutt like this.
  7. Turtlebutt,

    Mostly I remember this guy from Classic.
    He was one from admins on my own servers. I removed his admin role because he wasn't active as much as I expected him to be, but before he went pretty unactive he was a really great admin.

    With best regards
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2019
    PussyDestroyer and Turtlebutt like this.
  8. SnapDaTurtle

    SnapDaTurtle Catapult Fodder

    Turtlebutt seems to be a great choice for admin. Very active and seems nice enough. +1
    stop mistaking me for him on the discord server
    PussyDestroyer and Turtlebutt like this.
  9. Basshunter

    Basshunter of course i like your t-shirt Staff Alumni Donator Tester Official Server Admin

    Really chill guy, he's always really active, whenever I'm playing a TDM he's there. He has a really specific attitude, though I really believe he would treat his role seriously.
    PussyDestroyer and Turtlebutt like this.
  10. Nogla

    Nogla Arsonist Official Server Admin

    Memes a load but hes a nice guy, knows when to stop joking around and be serious
    PussyDestroyer likes this.
  11. FunATuns

    FunATuns Builder Carry Donator

    turtle is the perfect balance between a meme/shitter and nice and responsible person. he is responsible enough to fulfill his duty as admin but enough of a memer to relate and talk down generally toxic people like me. if turtle was a oksa, he would be one of the few oksas id actually listen to

    PussyDestroyer likes this.
  12. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    I've had mixed encounters with TurtleButt, but he's always seemed self-aware of it. In the past I've seen that he's prone to adaptation, capable of evolving even, and even though I've basically been invisible for the past year - and if he's anything like AgentHightower - he's likely to have matured since I last saw him.

    He always seemed to be enthusiastic and a quick learner, full of personality and the like. I think he'd make a unique addition as an Official Admin, and I believe that he'd quickly catch up and be magnificent at his job.

    PussyDestroyer, Ni and Turtlebutt like this.
  13. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    honestly thought he could be a good one, but imo not really a good pick for admin

    blows stuff out of proportions, tries to put the focus on his opponents in arguments instead of the whole situation, like was seen in today's #off-topic discord discussion [argues for an hour that floppy isnt fit for admin because x and y]. can't take criticism well. also toxic and does banter too much [but it wont be a problem if he actually shows that hes working on it, but doesnt appear to be so]

    i disagree with the people calling him chill as well, and his personality and attitude is rather offputting to new players



    tries to continue argument after its over by being passive aggressive

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019
  14. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    Incredibly immature from what I've seen. After turtle corrected someones grammar ingame, floppy suggested that doing so was unwelcoming to new players. This devolved into an almost 2 hour long argument on the discord wherein floppy asserted that arguing with players over petty matters was un-admin like, while turtle argued that floppy was toxic and hypocritical. Eventually floppy conceded that the argument was going nowhere and left, at which point turtle continued to argue with whoever else disagreed with him on the discord. I don't see how someone who behaves in such a way could be a good admin in any way, shape, or form.
    I generally don't put this, as I prefer people read through what I have to say, but this calls for a fat -1
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2019
    bunnie and Blackiceball like this.
  15. Blackiceball

    Blackiceball Shark Slayer Staff Alumni

    Even after the arguement was over i admitted floppy shouldn't have used a few words and i thought he handled the discussion with turtle fairly mature except the a few words
    and i said he should apologize but clearly the amount of hipocrisy turtle has shouldn't be a admin

    Screenshot (317).png
    Screenshot (319).png

    Screenshot (323).png

    Screenshot (322).png
    Turtle promoted this behaviour instead of telling him to stop i dont think someone like this should be admin -1

    Attached Files:

    bunnie likes this.
  16. Turtlebutt

    Turtlebutt Bison Rider Tester

    You should probably add more context.
    Also Floppy and iceball used the excuse of: its a meme/joke, and the first image is me talking to ice that grammar nazi is not a meme and an actual term, called him a dumbfuck because i said that for like the 3rd time and he wouldnt understand, later he did say he didn't understand what happened completely and agreed on some things with me.
    Game chat.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  17. Turtlebutt

    Turtlebutt Bison Rider Tester

    I corrected floppys grammar and did not call him toxic, I just called him out on his bullshit.
    (In his app he says he's reasonable in conflicts, but in the conflict going on in-game, he brushed everything off as a meme or a joke, which is totally reasonable and valid, sorry for me being a grammar nazi and correcting literally everyones grammar habitually and when I have the possibility(which was obviously the point of the argument)
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  18. Turtlebutt

    Turtlebutt Bison Rider Tester

    me and andresian were ironic, if you couldnt understand. just because you use an insult doesnt mean youre not calm, i wasnt promoting it(or telling him to keep going, just said whats going on)
    yes i couldve been hypocritical there but that was on purpose therefore ironic.
    no exception for andresian because he was being ironic. he literally said hes being jokeful yet you somehow missed that, like you did the whole point.
    this just proves that you dont understand irony (and terms that may have originated by a meme or a slang, doesnt mean that it has no meaning, aswell as you think 'statement' means nothing.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
  19. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    why are you trying to make this about floppy again? are you going to call potential new players that don't understand game mechanics dumbfucks as well? patience is also an important admin trait

    the fact that youre still trying to excuse yourself passively aggressively instead of apologising and admitting also shows the immaturity
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2019
    Blackiceball likes this.
  20. Mazey

    Mazey Haxor Global Moderator Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Donator Official Server Admin

    Alright, guys - no point in dragging this out. You've all made your point.
    Biurza likes this.
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