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CTF (Twin Map) Order[REJECTED]

Discussion in 'Rejected Maps' started by SJD360, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. SJD360

    SJD360 Haxor

    Map name: Order
    Gamemode: CTF
    Symmetrical: No, tree in the middle is asymmetrical.
    Special features: Giant tree in the middle, whole map personifies tranquility.
    Map: Map 4 - Order.png


    Order begets Chaos. One cannot exist without the other - in other words, if one map is rejected, the other will be too.
  2. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Back flag is positioned so that it is near impossible for red team to lose it. The tree, while looking pretty, hinders gameplay at mid and the akward branches would make clearing it a pain(so youre enforcing tunneling into it which is too gimmicky/boring for official). Rejected.