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Unabled to connect to master server, ever.

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Zuriki, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. Zuriki

    Zuriki Shipwright

    I'm unable to connect to the master server at all. Based on past experience with this sort of thing, I'm going to go ahead an assume that the necessary port for the game is not open. Unfortunately, there was no information on what port the game runs on. Also, if someone could provide the IP of the server, I would appreciate that. OS: Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit Version: 0.95A (228) PS. I read another thread and it was suggested to the person to try to ping "vicious.puttynuts.com" which I did, and it returned a general failure. I also tried the IP "". I don't know if this is relevant at all, but I thought I would provide it as it's an interesting piece of information.
  2. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. :(

    You must have strict firewall running? If not that, perhaps your /kag/base/autoconfig.gm is somehow misconfigured? If the latter is true, you could try to reinstall.

    Master Server IP (resolves to master.kag2d.com)

    Master Server Port

    If you can hit that IP or address with our browser and it says "It Works!" that must mean your firewall doesn't recognize kag as an exception it should be making.

    Hope this helps somehow!
  3. Zuriki

    Zuriki Shipwright

    Welp, my browser can connect to master.kag2d.com (resolves to though, not Navigating to times out via browser, fails to find host via ping. Attempting to connect to via browser times out. Attempting to connect to master.kag2d.com:51308 returns an access error.

    It seems I have some inability to connect to the server. I'm going to open an inbound/outbound port on 51308 on my router and see if that makes any difference (it shouldn't, but hey, I'm desperate).

    Edit: It was ineffective! Final option, disable ALL protection, and see what happens. Literally throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks (my firewall is ultra weak-sauce anyway though so...).
  4. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

  5. Zuriki

    Zuriki Shipwright

    I know how to do it. I instead just disabled all protection (faster and more reliable in this situation). I had no effect whatsoever. I tried changing the master server ip to the various IPs provided, including vicious.puttynuts.com and even changed the port to 80 (http) just to try it out. Nothing.

    I'm honestly out of ideas. I've disabled all protection, added exceptions to everywhere I can think to add exceptions, changed ips and ports. I can't imagine there is anything more I can do...

    Oddly enough, I played this when it was first linked via the link-dead website and it worked then (sort of, I could connect to *some* servers, but that was commonplace).
  6. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Can you try the following: Open a cmd-prompt and type "tracert vicious.puttynuts.com". Let it finish and show us the results (encapsulated with [CODE][/CODE]-tags...or just screenshot it).

    Btw: "master.kag2d.com" is basically just a redirect to "vicious.puttynuts.com".
  7. Zuriki

    Zuriki Shipwright

    Haha, you guys will love this:

    D:\Users\Zuriki>tracert vicious.puttynuts.com
    Tracing route to vicious.puttynuts.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
      1  General failure.
    Trace complete.
    trelawney likes this.
  8. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Are you sure you're using the right NIC? Run ipconfig /all on the commandline, paste output (edit previous post and add it at the bottom)
  9. Zuriki

    Zuriki Shipwright

    Yes, there is only 1 NIC, that's the ethernet connection that goes directly to my router and it's embedded into my motherboard.

    If I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to connect to this website and ask my questions! Also tracert works for other websites.

    The only issue is connecting to the master server through anything other than a browser/HTTP.