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Classes/Items Unique Class Mod

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by Pirate-Rob, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    I have an idea for a mod, a crazy idea. Or better yet, I'm planning to do a mod. The mod will be called Unique classes, where players all have their own unique class, similar to how players have their own unique heads in blowjob. Essentially, only you can be your unique class. You can be the other 3 classes, but only you have access to your class. Yeah, this idea is pretty nuts, as it's pretty easy making 3 head sprites compared to an entire class but i want to give it a go anyway. If you doubt I will be able to do this mod, I feel I have a good chance, the first mod I made for kag added 12-13 classes to the game, which makes me think I have a pretty good chance at getting this right.

    So the reason I'm posting this here is I actually need submissions for classes. The class can be anything you want, however, the more complex your class, the further down the todo list it goes. Details like HP, what abilities the class has and general appearance are what I'm looking for.

    Info I need for class:
    • Class name:
    • Class icon description:
    • Gender:
    • Your Exact In-game Name:
    • Description:

    Optionally, you may specify other people who you'd like to give permission to use your class as well. You can also submit clan tags.

    • Class name: Builder
    • Class icon description: a pickaxe
    • Gender: Male
    • Your Exact In-game Name: Geti
    • Description: 3HP, can mine blocks with right click. Can build blocks with left click which are selected from inventory.
    • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: MM
    • Clan tag that can use the class: [THD]

    It goes without saying only 1 submission per user.
    You may change your submission as much as you want, but once I start working on it, the design is final.
    If your class is a builder type class, specify the blocks you'd like for them to be able to build. This includes custom blocks. (Custom blocks will push the class way down on the todo list though)
    Assuming a lot of people submit classes, be warned it'll take me a while to get through all of them, so be patient.
    The todo list won't be following many rules. Where your class lands up is a matter of how cool I think it is and how hard it is to implement. If I don't recognise you at all from forums or in-game, there's a good chance your class will be near the bottom of the to-do list.
    Classes need to be at least semi-original. No characters that already exist(kirby/mario/ect)
    Abilities are limited to 3 per class (right/left mouse and space bar) You may be able to convince me to do a forth with 'V' key. Passives are not limited by this though. (eg The class has a healing aura)
    You may suggest numbers and such, but I'll ultimately be in-charge of balance. I'll try and keep it as close as possible to your idea though.
    If your idea somehow sucks profusely or is somehow undoable(or would take long enough that it'll forever be at the bottom of the todo-list) then I will probably point it out.

    Class Todo List (50):
    - The Fist (Colargolator)
    - Assassin (maxsc)
    - Duck (Bwnt)
    - Bunny the Bastard (PUNK123)
    - Gnome (Sylw)
    - Sapper (BarsukEughen555)
    - Arms Master (ollimarrex)
    - Hitler (Bunnie)
    - Robobuilder (joshua12131415)
    - Magical Miner (WuppieF)
    - Fisherman (TheFlare)
    - Pikeman (Epicman635)
    - Crossbowman (swiggityswooty)
    - Black Swordsman (JackMcDaniels)
    - Clown (Plin)
    - Fire God (Cobara)
    - Love Bird (Shifteh_Clickeh)
    - Muscle Wizard (Ej)
    - Wanderer (Ferrezinhre)
    - Jedi (Smiley83461)
    - Priestess (FoxyLady)
    - Woodsman (purpledragon1391)
    - Mortarrow (thevan_werts)
    - Copter-Knight (dodo1knight)
    - Rock Raider (mcrifel)
    - Badger (mustachio12)
    - Paladin (Huppuksi)
    - Gladiator (Happy_Sheep)
    - Grand Samurai (ryderfive)
    - Pyromancer (Frikman)
    - Necrodancer (qua2ar)
    - Drangonslayer (spiller0809)
    - Runner (DaRk78054)
    - Darknight (Jaytratto)
    - Musketeer (Atlz90)
    - Master (MegaLOLdon)
    - Samurai Master (jonipro)
    - The Stag (Joiken)
    - The Pumpkin (Nicuwins)
    - The Miner (Draco1991)
    - Spike Golem (platy1knight)
    - Spy (AgentHightower)
    - Clockwork Fortress (CodeRedAlert)
    - SpellCaster (SnuwWulfie)
    - Turtle (Turtlebutt)
    - Wisp Builder (ZipsterXP)
    - Bunny Man (VaderCraftGamer)
    - Stompy the Squirrel (asger75)
    - Ninja (kiaran)
    - Gargoyle (Cesar0)
    - Gorilla (Koi_)
    - 'Memester' (Chrispin)
    - Agent (king-george)

    Classes Complete List (10):
    - Great shield knight (Vamist)
    - Swapper (eragon200012)
    - Grapple Knight (an_obamanation)
    - Twister (Potatobird)
    - Ranger (ferdo)
    - Grabber (jimmyzoudcba)
    - Water God (Blue_Tiger)
    - Shadow Blade (Shadow Blade Kasper)
    - The Shadow (rosanna2000)
    - Legionnaire (Failedwhistle5)


    Finished legionnaire.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  2. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    Now, I don't want too much hate for this, but... I think it is a terrible idea right now.
    What I think would be better than your idea is creating a base custom class with a very large amount of predefined abilities. lets say you make like 50-100 abilities to start. each ability with its own unique function and its own cooldown. you could let people pick their abilities in-game right when they join. For example, someone joins and makes their left click a lunge, their right click a summon skeleton ability, and their space bar a super jump or something idfk. Each ability would be predefined and balanced, but at the same time there would be so many that it would still bring quite a bit of diversity with each class. Maybe you can even take suggestions for new abilities. Anyway, I hope that this is somewhat helpful. I know I'm sounding a little rude, but seriously you need to think things through. Are you really going to make a custom class for each person?
    TFlippy, Geti and Osmal like this.
  3. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    he's looking for ideas for classes, he will make them himself -.-

    Pirate-Rob: The thing I'm currently busy on in RoS is putting every class into one. So I may as well make a bunch of classes to get practice in[/QUOTE]
  4. makmoud98

    makmoud98 You are already DEAD Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester

    I edited my post, I realize I misunderstood quickly. My point still stands though.
  5. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Pirate-Rob: The thing I'm currently busy on in RoS is putting every class into one. So I may as well make a bunch of classes to get practice in
  6. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    This is actually a pretty great idea, but it's not the same as what I wanted for this mod. Although, originally for my idea, I wanted to make it so that people without their own unique class could get a jumble of other's unique classes, but that'd be quite a bit of work(or rather, more work) and the class file would get messy. I think I can create classes for everyone, however I know it'll take a long time before that happens, so this would be more of a long term thing. And hey, if it doesn't work, then no harm done and, I know this is a terrible idea, but there's no harm in trying.
  7. kiaran

    kiaran Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    my class is

    name: ninja

    icon: black ninja robe or a small dagger

    exact in-game name: kiaran

    Description: has a a dagger to melee and range (ranged isnt very far) (space bar to switch between melee and ranged) melee: half a heart. ranged: 1 heart. (attacks from behind with melee do 1 heart of damage) teleport with rightclick. (can only be used every 5-10 seconds,i dunno) hp: 2. looks like a person in a ninja robe. (tinted the color of the team the person is on) maybe double jump. (you know, because its a ninja)

    gender: male

    Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: oddjoeguy, deathdrobot

    clan tag: RAFT

    (please dont bring the rros server argument into this)
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  8. Potatobird

    Potatobird Haxor Forum Moderator Mapping Moderator Tester Official Server Admin

    Seems like a cool idea that takes way too much work, but if you wanna go for it, who am I to stop you? Nobody sensible will flame you for not making the mod if you decide against it.

    I'll even throw in a class. The Twister
    • Class name: Twister
    • Class icon description: A little cyclone, or two curved swords, whichever is easier
    • Your Exact In-game Name: Potatobird
    • Description: See below
    • Exact in-game name of others who can use the class: I dunno, can we change this later?
    • Clan tag that can use the class: " "
    Two scimitars, windy powers. Can double (or triple?) jump. Left click is an instant slash that adds some momentum (like knight slash, but with a little more kick) and has a much smaller "hitbox" than knight slash, does 1 damage I guess. Right click and hold to do a spinny attack (the twister) and damage enemies nearby while reducing own fall speed, 2 to 3 heart damage per second, tons'o'damage. This class should probably only do half or no stomp damage. Falls lightly, takes no fall stun or damage. Space bar can just do nothing, or maybe activate bombs (not kegs).
  9. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    • Class name: Swapper
    • Class icon description: Two arrows facing away from each other.
    • Your Exact In-game Name: eragon200012
    • Description: Has the ability to attack (sword etc), but can also swap places with any character in view once every 30 seconds. If said character is killed, the swapping is instantly recharged.
  10. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    • Class name: Great shield knight
    • Class icon description: A Giant sheild
    • Your Exact In-game Name: Vamoooooooooooooooost
    • Description: Has a large shield, Used to protect allies, can move at normal speed, Can not be stunned by slashes, Can use shield to block keg attacks - Has no sword or any other weapons.
    (This has been the class i've always wanted :^)
  11. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Ok, this is enough classes to get started I think.
    Yeah, you can change class access at anytime, as it's basically just a line of code for me.

    How would teleport work? Do you just teleport to where your mouse is? Also, I'm gonna assume the ranged attack is shurikens? I can't make tinted costumes due the the way kag works, but I'll give him a bandana or something that's his team's colour.

    Similar to the question above, how do you choose a target for swapping? Is it just the closest character to your mouse, or is it some kind of swapping projectile you fire? Also, does it work on allies as well?

    Are you sure you want absolutely no weapons or abilities? I mean, you could've told me to make your class immune and I wouldn't consider it OP with no weapons. Don't you maybe want some kinda of support ability, like a shield bash or something? Maybe heals, defense or something else? I don't mind either way, the less abilities, the simpler it is for me.
  12. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    Space Builder
    Only i can use this. I'll make a list of stuff this class can do.
    1. It's a builder class that can place blocks in mid air. Anything i build is not effected by gravity ( it won't fall when it loses support, and i can continue building without it being connected to the ground).
    2. I am lighter then an average player and fall / move slowly ( kind of the same effect as holding floating gold).
    3. I can make wards.
    4. No cool down for placing blocks. ( Or maybe a shorter cool down, if lag happens i might place 2 of the same block in the same space).
    5. An option to disable space building and turn me into a normal builder ( but can still make wards of course :P)
    If you think its too strong then you can add any of these:
    • Less health (You decide)
    • More resources in inventory = slower speed.
    • Everything i build is more expensive.
    • Everything i build (including stone blocks) are flammable.
    • Something else...
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  13. Vamist

    Vamist THD Team THD Team Tester

    Well, i just want my class to be able to stop allies from being killed, so possible heal any allies when they are behind me?

    But thank you :^
  14. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Closest character to your mouse. It should work on allies but priorities enemies.
  15. Pirate-Rob

    Pirate-Rob Haxor Staff Alumni Tester


    Sometimes people use a different forum account compared to their kag account. For example, wormy on the forums uses bunnie as his kag account.​
    Blue_Tiger likes this.
  16. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    i changed my forum nick to bunnie because i haven't cleared my cookies for 4 years since i was banned and i couldn't log in after clearing them (because i got banned)

    if furai fixes it i will change it back

    sorry for off-topic :rekt::rektlord:
    Pirate-Rob likes this.
  17. joshua12131415

    joshua12131415 Bison Rider Tester

    can you change your nickname? or do you need and admin / mod to do that?
  18. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Furai changed my nickname because i couldn't log in as wormy

    iirc u can change your name if u donate https://forum.thd.vg/account/upgrades not sure
  19. Kasper123

    Kasper123 Base Burner

    Good idea Rob!
    Now I can finally play as true shadow blade!
    Here is my class:
    Class name: Shadow Blade
    Class icon: black sword with brown handle.
    Looks like normal knight, except all that is team coloured is black and also has black cloak. Wields a longsword out of dark obsidian which has floating black particles around it and shield out of black metal with obsidian spikes on both sides.

    The shadow blade has five hearths. He has dark energy meter that can hold 100 dark energy used for his abilities, each kill adds 10 dark energy to his meter.
    His primary ability is dark vortex, which draws enemies closer to him,
    ( like soul blade). It's activated by spacebar and need 40 dark energy per use. It need 3 sec channel time with animation of the black particles merging together. It lasts 4 secs and every kill earned while it's active will add 2 secs to the duration
    or 10 secs and no extra time for kills.

    Can I have some self support secondary ability which activates with v or standing still and uses dark energy or is it too much?
    Was thinking of shade cloak armour, which activates with v and takes 3 sec to become active. It uses 30 dark energy and negates 25% of incoming damage for 8 secs. When beginning the ability (first 3 secs), black particles from his sword go inside his chestplate.

    Kills made with vortex active won't add dark energy.
    I would like if I cannot be stunned by those near me it's active, since drawing vamist near me is gonna be problem...
    Won't be able to use any bombs or kegs if you want.
    I kinda want him to only use the plaque doctor head if that is possible, because shadow blades are supposed to be anonymous, in case I allow others to it too.

    When he dies he will turn into black ghost (like in RoS) and respawn after 30-40 secs because he is bit stronger than others.

    My in-game name: Shadow Blade Kasper
    It would be awesome if you could make this!
    Please don't place any team coloured on him, it makes allies and enemies wonder if he is enemy or ally.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  20. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    Cool idea Rob!

    • Class name: Grabber
    • Class icon description: A hook and chains behind/around/however you want to do it
    • Your Exact In-game Name: jimmyzoudcba
    • Description: Right click shoots out a high (moderate, so to be dodgable) speed long (1.8 size of grapple hook?) grapple that pulls (I'm thinging any movable object, e.g. allies, enemies, kegs, bombs, etc.) towards you quickly. (optional) During the grapple they can't use anything/can only use LMB. Left click should be a immediate smash with the counterweight dealing 1/1.5 heart damage, and left hold should slowly (2.5 sec?) charge up a 2.5 heart attack that knocks back a tiny bit and stuns for 0.5 sec. Perferably you can charge your left hold while throwing out the grapple?
    • Clan: NOPE. But, thanks to all of you guys who had fun and became a part of my clan <3 There was luv all around :heart:
    • Others that can use it: MegaLOLdon. Only MegaLOLdon. For now.
    • BTW can I get them here to make their own classes?
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
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