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Unreasoned Banning!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Aslakin, Dec 21, 2011.

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  1. Aslakin

    Aslakin Shipwright

    Problem: It seems that just about every Australian server I've been on I've been banned without any warning in the chat bar or any other prompt. I don't think I have done anything wrong as my intentions while playing the game are pure. This has happened to me twice and is probably going to happen again.
    Process: When I first get on the servers I played normally and enjoyed my self along with my comrades playing until I got onto a round where I decided to build an enemy grinder. During the two the matches that I had been banned, I never said anything offensive or done anything intentionally to provoke anyone. Yet on each server I was disconnected shortly after building team friendly spike traps and when I try to re-enter, the server said I had been banned. I'm not sure what or who has caused my "bannings" but I do know one thing, I'm pissed off and want some answers!
    I have considered the fact that I have been banned after making spike traps but no warning of any kind was given to me before my "bannings". So I'm not in all happy with the past events.​
    What I'd like as a result from this thread are reasons to my "bannings" and chance I might be let back onto the servers.​
    The servers were:​
    • CLOUDCUBE Public 24/7
    • (AOE) Aussie CTF
  2. Kyzak

    Kyzak Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    We don't handle individual server bans here. The Server Directory subsection has threads for both of those servers, though; post in them to appeal.

    As for ban length, kick-bans last ten minutes unless lengthened with console commands. Have you tried reconnecting?
  3. Kagesha

    Kagesha KAG Guard Tester

  4. Aslakin

    Aslakin Shipwright

    Thanks, turns out it was a ping-kick and I have been able to connect to the old servers.
    Kagesha likes this.
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