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Unusual Crash

Discussion in 'General Help' started by dwatring, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. dwatring

    dwatring KAG Guard Tester

    Today, I was in my server in-game and all of a sudden my game went to a crawl. So I checked the console and I got this;

    [48777] Created netobject: netid 662 name egg
    [48809] Created netobject: netid 663 name runner
    [48872] Created netobject: netid 664 name egg
    [48929] Created netobject: netid 665 name runner
    [48940] Created netobject: netid 666 name runner
    [48980] Created netobject: netid 667 name egg
    [49177] Created netobject: netid 670 name egg
    [49186] Created netobject: netid 671 name egg
    [49197] Created netobject: netid 673 name egg
    [49321] Created netobject: netid 676 name runner
    [49370] Created netobject: netid 677 name runner
    [49371] Created netobject: netid 678 name runner
    [49486] Created netobject: netid 679 name egg
    [49674] Created netobject: netid 680 name runner
    [49675] Created netobject: netid 681 name egg
    [49685] Created netobject: netid 682 name runner
    [49685] Created netobject: netid 685 name egg
    [49685] Created netobject: netid 686 name egg
    [49685] Created netobject: netid 688 name egg
    [49685] Created netobject: netid 689 name runner
    [49685] *Restarting Map*
    [49685] Your ping is too high for this server. Try a different one.
    I got spammed with that created netobject message and then it told me my ping was too high. So I left and went to go grab some small bite to eat. When I came back, I restarted KAG and tried to join the server through connect IP. It just would NOT let me on the server. No message or anything, just a blank screen. Any help? (I know it's not the server because I went to check the server CMD window and people are still joining.)
  2. Contrary

    Contrary The Audacious Paramount of Explosive Flight Donator Tester

    Yeah my game has been crashing all day.