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Unwritten rules of KAG

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Hyypallo, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Hyypallo

    Hyypallo Guest

    Hi, fellow KAG players!

    I got very sad today because I was kicked from the server. Reason was "early doors". I thought that one aspect of this game was building castles and protecting your gold, so I started to build what I thought to be a good defence - doors and a wall. I was amazed to notice that someone voted me out because of that. If player gets enough wood and rock, what on earth prevents him building a castle? Is it unfair or something? If it is illegal, the making of such "not-too-early" -thingies should somehow, particularly NOT by kicking the criminal, be prevented for some period of time.

    I'm new with this game (as most of the players) and really I didn't realize it would be THAT serious case. To prevent such future situations I'm now asking, if there are some another "unwritten" rules within the game, which players should be aware not to get surprisingly kicked? Thank you! :)
  2. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester


    Seriously, tell me exactly what you built and where? This sounds like vote-kick abuse to me.
  3. Hyypallo

    Hyypallo Guest

    I build a 2*2 block door and on it started to build stone, the whole monument located some 10 blocks away from the tent. Also, the voter mentioned my changing of team at the beginning of the game - I wanted to stay at the red side since my connection was frozen and on rejoin I was charged to blue team. That's why the team change.
  4. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Unless there was something about building, uh, at all in the server info that sounds like vote-kick abuse.
    If you can remember who you were kicked by next time this happens we might be able to "have a talk to them" once there's permanent accounts.
  5. Hyypallo

    Hyypallo Guest

    I was so surprised that my brain didn't make note of the voter's nick. So, building a castle at first place is not illegal, eh? :P
  6. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Of course it isn't! In fact that's what you should be doing! There are a lot of abusers in this game...
  7. darDar

    darDar KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester

    also got voted out already several times for stuff like that now.
    Theres nothing you can do against that actually
  8. Hyypallo

    Hyypallo Guest

    But who would be idiot enough to vote "yes" to that kind of vote... I just wonder.
  9. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    IMHO, people don't even read the reason, they just want to get the window off screen as fast as it's possible so they press f12 cause it's easier to reach than f11. Maybe devs should make it so the vote with its reason is only shown in chat and to cast vote one would have to go into menu (pressing esc) and then cast it.
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    ...You do have to go to the menu and type a reason to votekick someone, unless I'm misunderstanding you.

    If you mean going to the menu to vote on poll then no! That's a terrible idea :P A similar thing happens in Ace of Spades and nobody votekicks so griefing is rampant.

    Once we get accounts in people will probably need to have a positive rank to be able to start a votekick -> griefers won't be able to start a vote and will also be identifiable as griefers.