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[US] Mazer Realm 64 Player, Deadicated (Totally-Pro.com)

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by Uriah, Sep 8, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. Uriah

    Uriah Shipwright

    Name: Mazer Realm [US,64]
    Port: 8111
    Ping limit: 450
    Game rules: Default Settings
    Slots: 64
    Map: Default Settings [500x300]
    Location: Colorado, USA
    Contact: Website Form Link

    Like the server? Donate via Paypal on our website.
    Note: The name Totally Pro originates from the website Totally-Pro.com (the host) which is mainly a minecraft community.

    I'm open to pretty much any ideas for changes to this server. (A friend of mine really enjoys KAG so I'm running this server because I have the resources to do so and I also like the game.)

    If anyone has a good link to a wiki or other tutorial for settings (for KAG servers) as to map cycles and such then I'd love to have it, thanks.
  2. Uriah

    Uriah Shipwright

    Second Post Reserved
  3. TRagePawz

    TRagePawz Shipwright

    I Joined for an hour and then someone moaned so can you kick or ban moaners?
  4. who

    who Shopkeep Stealer

  5. Im_a_Turtle

    Im_a_Turtle Haxor

    i joined a game and saw people talking, can you ban talkers? /sarcasm
    Post up a real reason (Hackers) other than barking trolls.
  6. Brine

    Brine Horde Gibber

    Hello, I know of two people you should think about banning or keeping an eye on.

    Annihilon and Romeria.

    I don't know what they were fighting about, but they were being very rude and telling eachother to kill themself and other very mean spirited things. I don't want these kinds of people on servers, so if you could look into it or anything I'd feel better, it's very disgusting to me that these people are in these servers to begin with. Not acceptable behavior I think.
  7. Slather

    Slather Bison Rider

    Hi. Is there a reason I'm banned? I like this server.
  8. limecat

    limecat Shipwright

    Tryin to figure out why im banned everywhere too. Never been kicked from a server, signed off last night with no problems, today cant connect to the server I was on last night. Ban seems to span several servers.

    Whats the deal?
Mods: jackitch