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Vote-kicking discussion

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by norill, Dec 16, 2013.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Current vote-kicking system is quite nice, but in my opinion it's still far from perfect. This are the features that a perfect system should have:
    • 3 options: Kick, Abstain (default), Don't kick
    • 2 possible outcomes: kickee kicked or not
    • Vote pass condition based on Kick/Don't kick ratio
    • Vote pass condition affected by kickee score (maybe by kicker score too?)
    • Nothing stopping kickee to immediately start a counter-vote against kicker after the 1st vote fails
    • Means to prevent vote spamming
    • Enemy team cannot vote in case of griefing, teamkiller and afk kick reasons
    For comparison, features of current system:
    • 3 options: Kick kickee, Kick kicker, Abstain (default)
    • 3 possible outcomes: kickee kicked, kicker kicked, vote inconclusive
    • Vote pass condition based on players voted/all players ratio
    • Vote pass condition not affected by score
    • Every vote is also a counter-vote
    • Means to prevent vote spamming
    • Enemy team can always vote
    It has several flaws: votes are only conclusive if more than 50% of players voted in favour (or more 50% voted against), which rarely happens on public servers due to people not giving a shit or being to stupid to vote, there is no way to dismiss the voting box without making a vote, kicking griefers and valuable players requires identical number of votes, enemy team can vote against kicking a griefer if they are dicks (they are most of the time).

    I can implement anything that is decided in this thread. Make your own ideas if you want on what features should the vote-kicking system have and why.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
  2. Fate

    Fate Studying seashells

    This is well thought out. The problem with the current system is that it requires everybody to vote and idling the vote means voting no.
    The neutral vote is crucial. Not sure if enemy team has to vote currently as well, because I have only played on pubs only once recently, but team-only vote sounds pretty common-sensical to me.
    norill likes this.
  3. Kouji

    Kouji Cold, Uncaring, Sadistic, Evil and Cruel Meanie Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. REKINS OF SEAS: Super Crew of Ultimate Havoking 2: Return of King of KAG: Chapter 420blazeit - REKIN

    - I don't think that score should be a part of the vote condition however. Honestly it doesn't really mean much even if you are playing. If anything (and if possible), keeping track of how long you having been playing would be better imo. Generally people don't grief if they've been playing on the server for after some time. So basically, maybe over a certain period of time, the required ratio to need to be vote kicked increases slightly. You could probs just use the ratio for both the kicker/kickee instead.

    - As far as the vote kick passing or not passing, if there are more than 50% abstaining (could be higher), then, nothing should be done regardless? Don't have any real reasons for this to be honest, but it seems like there'd be some case where 2 people vote yes, 1 vote no and 6 abstain. It would seem a bit unreasonable to me if a person were vote kicked out with those results. I mean, if the majority of people don't really care, then it's just really someone whining and his friend or something.

    - As far as vote spamming is concerned, I guess 1 possible way to reduce it is by having a limiting people who can start one in the first place if they haven't been on that long. Eg, they've been on for only 10 minutes. If there really is an issue, I doubt there won't be at least one other person who hadn't noticed that has been playing for a bit. Another way to limit it I guess is that if you start a vote kick and it fails, you can't start another for 30 minutes or something. You'd have to make it so you can't just leave and have that timer reset though.

    - As far as enemy voting goes, how about instead of just denying them the ability to vote in all cases, just give them the option to vote either Yes or Abstain? (if something like a ratio of abstains effecting whether or not something is done, then enemy votes shouldn't be included obviously). It prevents people from just saying no if they are plebs that like to win via any means necessary. (Honestly I'm not that convinced about this, it's just an idea that popped up, and might be worth discussing)
    norill, FuzzyBlueBaron and Fate like this.
  4. thats a great idea, i think i like it even more than score

    vote spamming is not a big issue in current build compared to some of the previous builds. they can be caused by next map votes as well as kick votes. i think that fixing the problem with too much inconclusive kick votes would also reduce one part of the spam, so let's fix it first and then we will see if vote spam is also gone. the other part (next map) can be reduced by setting a cool-down for starting a next vote for everyone instead of just the original vote starter. also the cool-down can be increased from 4min (sic) to 15min or even more (with matches often lasting 1-2h, the 15min cool-down seems moderate).

    i fear that would artificially rise the number of Yes votes, to a point where a troll might start a false vote, which would pass because of some random idiots on enemy team.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  5. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Fwiw the current "inconclusive" is there directly because people asked for it and "hated" that there was a boolean outcome. If you come up with and implement a popular system however I'm happy to move it to vanilla.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.
  6. That build when the possible outputs were only to kick one or the other guy was indeed horrible, so this was an improvement. But adding "inconclusive" outcome isn't the path i would go, because while it solves that issue, it also creates a new one - it's too hard to make vote conclusive on most populated servers.

    I would like to avoid situation where we put effort into designing and coding new vote-kicking system and then some guy comes and says the new system sucks. Ok, i realize this situation is unavoidable, i want to minimalize the number of those guys. That's why i encourage everyone to share your thoughts about it.
  7. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    What if the vote was conclusive if the ratio of yes/no was 2:1 or bigger and over 33% of players voted?
    And the other way around.
  8. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Having some dynamic ratio might improve the overall outcomes but I think it will turn the system into even more of a black box than it already seems to be to players (instead of "8 required" you'd be saying "between 5 and 12 required based on many factors").

    The amount required for a conclusive vote can quite easily be tweaked if under representation is a common issue, I've seen the system be very successful and completely unsuccessful with different crowds and different days, improving the rate of it being successful would be great.

    In terms of getting people to chime in here you may want to nag people in IRC.
  9. i'm gonna work on voting system soon and i need some feedback, so i asked for this thread to be moved into public section. its an old thread and some things have changed since i started it. but features listed under "perfect system" are still valid (except the score thing, i will prolly use time on server as kouji suggested or nothing at all).

    if you have any additional ideas/thoughts regarding voting that are not already covered above, then this is the place to share them. i'm mostly interested in suggestions what key shortcuts should i use for yes/no (i was considering 1/2, F somethings or ,/.) and where to display the popup (under killfeed? bottom right?)
  10. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Being an ex soldat player: f11 for NO and f12 for YES
  11. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

    I do support preventing the enemy team from voting. In the real world, most of the time, your enemy won't vote out of the goodness of their hearts to lose their unfair advantage. This is assuming they even know it's a griefer on the other team being kicked and don't just click on a random box without thinking, the opposite of which is usually the case, but that's another issue that probably has no good solution.
    norill likes this.
Mods: Rainbows