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Linux WARNING: API call failed: cURL Error in putStatus(): Failed binding local connection end

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Grifin, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Grifin

    Grifin Catapult Fodder

    WARNING: API call failed: cURL Error in putStatus(): Failed binding local connection end
    - in the line up that is the error that I get
    - me server is ONLINE 24/7, you can connect, using ip =
    my problem is that my server does not appear in the server list, for error API call failed
    gime a solutions?????
    note: i try fix the master, all port a ready, the problem is the api call failed

    join to me server =
    </br>--- merged: Jun 12, 2013 4:41 PM ---</br>
    :QQ: me problem with me server dont join to master , so the API, message : WARNING: API call failed: cURL Error in putStatus(): Failed binding local connection end
  2. nickleskovec

    nickleskovec Shipwright

    Same problem here but it looks like you took down your server because of this problem. I'm using Debian in case anyone is wondering
  3. STORM1

    STORM1 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Maybe you have slow connection on your internet.
  4. nickleskovec

    nickleskovec Shipwright

    Nope, thats not it.