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What do you need to put in Base/scripts/dedicated_autoconfig to run a server properly

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by DARK-KILLER, Jan 21, 2012.


    DARK-KILLER Shopkeep Stealer

    • Read the wiki, be specific
    I'm having with what to put in Base/scripts/dedicated_autoconfig to run a server properly
    could someone please reply before tuesday 12.00am Australia perth time
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    1 cup white sugar
    1/2 cup butter
    2 eggs
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder
    1/2 cup milk

    Seriously, try to read the relevant wiki section, browse the rest of the Server forum for relevant posts, attempt hosting, and then come back with a specific question. What does "properly" mean anyway? What's proper for you might not be for me and vice versa. If you can't understand the commented files then I suggest you give up hosting and try to find another solution. Lots of empty servers around. Will lock and delete in 24 hours.
  3. kiro

    kiro Garde KAG Donator Tester
