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What tactics do you use in a fight/war?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KCx13, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. KCx13

    KCx13 Catapult Fodder

    I was wondering what your tactics were in a game mode of either, rtdm, or a battle server.

    I see that generally most people on rtdm do:
    1. Stab
    2. Shield
    3. Rinse and repeat
  2. Hmm.. I'd say:

    1. Eat banana
    2. No bananas.
    3. Look for more bananas.
    4. Rape any damn enemy who may have a banana in pocket.
    5. Find a nearby tree when you're out of ammo
    6. Search for bananas.
    7. Kill the remaining peasants glorious knights because of selling bananas to the market.
    Conquerer likes this.
  3. GloriousToast

    GloriousToast Haxor Donator

    1. rape karpo
    2. slash enemy (preferablely karpo)
    3. slash again(double slash)
    3.5 rape darcia
    4. chase after knocked enemy if knocked away
    5. find body of dead enemy
    6. throw body into wall and press down and 25252525

    censored version
    all i do is wait for them to start to slash then i move in after they slash and slash them back:)
  4. Guitarman

    Guitarman Haxor Tester Official Server Admin

    This is the way I do it as well. Double slashes are usually involved.:skull:
  5. Ulthuanelf

    Ulthuanelf Shark Slayer

    1. Be archer.
    2. Get to a relatively safe spot.
    3. Fire!
    4. If an enemy knight or bomb gets to close, run!
    5. If you die, got to step 1. Else, go to step 2.

    :spam::sword: :skull:
    AL3X_j_M likes this.
  6. Zuboki

    Zuboki KAG Guard Tester

    I've taken to accepting the fact that I'm terrible in most things that I try, and for this reason I don't play archer at all. I swear, it seems like some server-dominating archers use some sort of overlay to predict their trajectory. Irritating.

    As a builder, I play to my strengths. I usually stick near the front lines, but I tend to prioritise repairing to aiding a knight rush. I retreat from fights unless I have the advantage healthwise, or tactics-wise.

    What do I mean by that? I typically hide in bridges, among debris, or a few blocks above the battlefield. When I see an enemy builder or archer in range, I'll pop out/ drop down and Maxwell Edison them. I also enjoy dropping in on dueling knights, to give my guy an edge.

    My knight combat style is similar. I don't get involved in slashfests because I'm utterly convinced I'd lose, unless my noble sacrifice is needed to distract a cadre of knights from some fleeting builders or to kill/bomb a particularly useful builder, structure, or shop on the other team. I stick to the high ground, jump in on distracted foes, and retreat to gather health or protect the base.

    I do use bombs strategically, though. I tend to throw them at distracted archers or builders, often from skybridges or behind the typical front lines. I only really bomb distracted knights in clusters, like shield ladders or tunnel squads. Bomb-flying-from-hidden-bridge is also an effective combat technique for defending the base.

    Typically, though, I don't waste time with the player versus player squallor and instead rush catapults to take down the enemies with precision.
    Beef and Andr01d like this.
  7. Johnlmonkey

    Johnlmonkey Horde Gibber

    1. Search...
    8.John PRO...
    12241241251353252355235325.Im dead...
    [I AM PRO]
    Anded likes this.
  8. darkenite

    darkenite Haxor

    1 take out any other archers
    2 Find a knight from my team and support him as archer
    3 Lead knights from the other team around and around so they cant help there team mates

    1 rush and hold the line as long as i can while trying to snipe as many builders as i can to mess with there building
    2 take out any other archers or lock them down so they cant shoot at my team mates
    3 kill as many builders as i can (if you're an archer and your not shooting builders as much as you can you're doing it wrong)
    4 jump in to the other teams base and use the trees to kill as many people as i can before jumping out or dying
    5 support the knights on your team so they can get more kills
  9. darDar

    darDar KAG Guard Forum Moderator Tester

    thats my tactic
  10. Adinxs

    Adinxs Bison Rider

    Beef, Rambo and rocker2 like this.
  11. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    gather coins
    bomb enemies
    AL3X_j_M and CrystalClear like this.
  12. AL3X_j_M

    AL3X_j_M Shipwright

    1. build ground level team doors and towers entirely out of team doors
    2. yell at someone who removes them and get them kicked for griefing
    3. watch team lose
    4. ???
    5. profit!
    darkenite and KCx13 like this.
  13. Wolffkran

    Wolffkran Horde Gibber

    Charge into fight. Destroy everything. If no targets are present and impassable wall is there. Either A, tunnel and chip away at wall with slashes to get in. Or B, most of the time I'm not in the mood and just wait outside the wall for a worthy challenger. Or a hardcore lagger, long sword, clash my slashes, invulnerable shield dude.
    inactive_account likes this.
  14. Shadza

    Shadza Knightmare Donator

    Favourite tactic for all new players :
    Anded likes this.
  15. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    How do I fight? Well, my fighting style is to adapt to circumstances around me. Thus an average game tends to unfold like so:
    1. Join server
    2. Deal with griefer/speedhacker(s)
    3. Go knight/assault builder/offensive archer depending on team need
    4. Keep swapping out class depending on team need (there's always something being neglected, so this is a constant process)
    5. Stop to deal with griefer/speedhacker(s)
    6. Cycle between steps 4 & 5 for a while
    7. As lives reach <50, swap to losing team because the rats scrubs haven't yet learned to honourably go down with their ship and someone needs to help the poor buggers that stay hold the line.
    8. Start telling my new teammates to "Fall back, we're low on lives! Fall back and regroup!"
    9. Start minecrafting (both for coins and to build up the [generally] shoddy base) and continue to shout at teammates to "BLOODY FALL BACK ALREADY! GO DEFENSIVE! STOP WASTING LIVES WE HAVEN'T VERY MANY LEFT!"
    10. Continue to minecraft and swear at teammates "YOU F***ING MAGGOTS!!! FALL BACK IN LINE AND THEN STAND YOUR F***ING GROUND!!! WE CAN F***ING WIN THIS IF YOU'LL ONLY START WORKING AS A TEAM FFS!!!!!!! D:<"
    11. Lives reach 0 at which point one of two things happens:
      • After a protracted siege, where the enemy lose their last 30 lives pushing against the fancy castle I've been minecrafting as I spend my 1000s of coins raining bombs down on their heads, I (sometimes accompanied by a fellow survivor) finally emerge victorious! :B):
      • I get screwed over by lag (and/or by some 'improvement' a scrub made to my glorious fort) and we lose. :rollseyes:
    Ofc, sometimes things don't work that way, sometimes I play with non-scrubs and it's a different kind of game... But mostly not. :p
  16. beno112

    beno112 Shipwright

    1. Be archer
    2. hide in ferns on ground
    3. when enemy come past
    4. wait little bit after then shoot repeatedly
  17. Conquerer

    Conquerer Shark Slayer

    1. Build small, useless tower.
    2. Collapse stone down onto enemy below.
    3. Go collect their coins and resources.
    4. Repeat steps 1-3.


    1. Repeat above.
    2. Stomp onto enemy below.
    3. If any survive, spam the right mouse button until dead. (Providing they have hearts below 1.5)

    1. Move forward to assault enemy tower.
    2. Try to either bomb jump over it or get over it some how.
    3. Any enemy knight approaches, I kill them.
    4. Any enemy builder/archer approaches, I absolutely **** them. (W/ jabspam)

    1. Collect arrows.
    2. Go up to frontlines and hide in grass, trees, or up in tower.
    3. Shoot enemy with varying powered arrows, while team mates distract them.
    4. Climb over tower with arrows, shoot all their workshops while all the enemy is dead.
    </br>--- merged: Mar 6, 2013 9:17 AM ---</br>
    You need to remove two of those social forums. It's against the forum rules to have more than two. tank u fur ur time
    MadDog likes this.
  18. toffie0

    toffie0 is sweeter than you <3 Global Moderator Forum Moderator Tester

    Here's mine:

    1. Join game
    2. If its the start or I see a poor building I'll improve it ( try at least)
    3. Stare at the builder who decides to 'help'
    4. Go knight
    5. If far away from enemies slash/ if close to enemies sheild and occasionally jab.
    6. End of match if one of the last left, I'll risk a bomb (my bombs tend to blow up anything around me including me)
    7. Repeat
  19. Hmm RTDM
    5v5 or more
    Step 1. Be Archer!
    Step 2. Find safe spot, in a tree, under maternally raped body or in grass :3
    Step 3. Kill Knights Below U!
    Step 4. Bomb jumping knights can be fended off - as they come duck in teh grass; then they fly over u find a tree climb it archer stomp the knight.... then if he survives hope he isnt a jab spammer and laggy and find a tree and final shot him.
    Step 5. Tea Bag him/her (knight) till they text rage and try to kick u.... after that just be annoying some more by doing the excact same thing.. go back to step 2 u cheeky bugger ;D ;) :D
  20. TheUltraHamster

    TheUltraHamster Tree Planter

    (1)Be a builder.
    (2)Ladder to the top of map.
    (3)Have a team mate destroy the ladder.
    (4)Get stuck up there.
    (5)Create a contest and see who saves you first.
    (6)Sit back and laugh as your team mates destroy each others ladders trying to get there first.
    (7)Get banned from the server for being a distraction. :huh?:
    KCx13 likes this.