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Where are all the trees?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Kanye, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Kanye

    Kanye Guest

    Every single map I generate has no trees.
    Now, I don't now if this has been discussed before because my search for the topic has ended up with no helpful results.
    I know there's probably something really simple that I'm forgetting, but I just downloaded this game last night, so I haven't the slightest clue what it might be. Help a noob out?
  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    No trees at all? Weird. Maybe your map consist only of mountains? Trees don't grow now on mountains. Could you just paste here contents of your generator config? Preferably in [ code] [ /code] tags. (without spcaes)
  3. Kanye

    Kanye Guest

    Yep, none. I've tried generating map after map and they all turn up completely flat (besides one or two craters) with no trees.

    Not sure which part you wanted me to paste, but here you go.

    # KAG Map Generator Config File
    # map size is set in a console variables: m_width; m_height
    # in Scripts/dedicated_autoconfig.gm or Scripts/autoconfig.gm
    # Most noise variables (like persistence, lacunarity) are explained in the libnoise tutorial : http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/tutorials/tutorial4.html
    baseline = 75                    # vertical percentage of map; vertical base line of ground; the higher percentage the lower the map starts
    ground_noise_frequency = 35.0
    ground_noise_lacunarity = 1.1              # less = less spikes
    ground_noise_octaves = 4
    ground_noise_persistence = 0.5
    hill_height_max = 7                     # in tiles
    mountain_concentration = 23; 45; 55; 77;       # horizontal percentage of map
    mountain_width = 10                           # horizontal percentage of map
    mountain_height = 10                       # in tiles
    mountain_shape = 1                            # 0 - straight; 1 - convex; 2 - concave
    hole_concentration = 50;                # horizontal percentage of map
    hole_width = 6                           # horizontal percentage of map
    hole_height = 44                       # in tiles
    hole_shape = 1                            # 0 - straight; 1 - convex; 2 - concave
    respawn_spots = 15; 85;                       # horizontal percentage of map
    gold_concentration = 50;                   # horizontal percentage of map
    cave_noise_frequency = 2.0
    cave_noise_lacunarity = 1.6             
    cave_noise_octaves = 5
    cave_noise_persistence = 1.55
    cave_turbulence_power = 0.1
    cave_turbulence_roughness = 8.0
    cave_turbulence_frequency = 4.0
    cave_thickness = 1                    # size of cave
    stone_noise_frequency = 20.0
    stone_noise_lacunarity = 1.6
    stone_noise_octaves = 6
    stone_noise_persistence = 1.0
    stone_multiplier_mountain = 0
    stone_multiplier_hole = 12
    stone_cave_thickness = 1          # thickness of stone around caves; 0 - stone does not concentrate on caves
    gold_noise_frequency = 13.0
    gold_noise_lacunarity = 1.4             
    gold_noise_octaves = 5
    gold_noise_persistence = 1.1
    gold_turbulence_power = 0.15
    gold_turbulence_roughness = 9.99
    gold_turbulence_frequency = 6.5
    wood_tree_maxheight = 15
    wood_tree_variation = 4                   
    wood_noise_frequency = 15.0
    wood_noise_lacunarity = 1.5
    wood_noise_octaves = 3
    wood_noise_persistence = 0.5
    bedrock_noise_frequency = 23.0
    bedrock_noise_lacunarity = 0.9             
    bedrock_noise_octaves = 5
    bedrock_noise_persistence = 1.0
    bedrock_turbulence_power = 0.85
    bedrock_turbulence_roughness = 19.99
    bedrock_turbulence_frequency = 1.0
  4. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Dunno what's wrong - I even used your generator config and it generated trees for me without any problems. Maybe we're still missing something. Tell me exactly how you generate this map, with what? What is your map width and height?
  5. Kanye

    Kanye Guest

    I usually just use the default settings for map generating.

    This is what all the maps look like for me (the only thing that differs for each new gen is the caves).

    The only error I get is one that tells me my server can't access the internet due to firewall restrictions (which I will take care of soon), but I doubt that would affect anything.
  6. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    Only thing that comes to my mind is that you're not using config at all. There is string in .gm files telling the server which generator cfg to use. Maybe it's blank or pointing toward non-existent file. Check if it's the case here.
  7. Kanye

    Kanye Guest

    Aha! I've figured it out, the generator script I was using was the "generator_flat" one. I switched it to the normal "generator", and I have trees now! Thank you for your help :)
  8. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    No problem. I'm glad I could be helpful. :)