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Where is the config files?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by stinkytaco, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. stinkytaco

    stinkytaco Shipwright

    Hello, I am a server admin for the Ace of Spade servers Fortress 1 and 2, (currently offline). I am thinking of doing a couple of KOG servers, one in miami, and the other in dallas.

    I am having a little trouble with my gaming system though.

    Looking to improve my graphics performance, but the config file is not in the usual places people hide them.

    Any clues to where I can start looking? Is it registry keys we must change?

    I cant understand why so many OS developers are into hiding things on computers now a days. Why not have one place to put config files like in linux? (Well, generally, they still get people that insist on scattering files across the entire hard disk.)

    I don't see why people do not just keep the config files by the binary files. When i am tweaking something, that folder is naturally the first place I look. Second is in my Home folder for the user, then the global home folders, then in the local and roaming folders.

    anyway %home% and %local% and %roaming% folders are all checked.

    Anyone have a clue to where else I might start looking?

    Thanks in advanced for any help, or information that might lead me to find this elusive file.
    From what little I have played , I have a feeling this might be a full time game on my servers.
  2. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    Did you check the wiki ( http://kagwiki.com ) or use the search function before posting this?
    All configuration files are located in /Base/Scripts (linux) or c:\KAG\Base\Scripts (windows & default location). They're also plain textfiles and relatively commented, so you will have no problem understanding which is which.
  3. Monsteri

    Monsteri Slower Than Light Tester

    You are being a bit unclear. Are you talking about KAG configs? If so, they can be found from



    Edit: Damn you trewl, ninja'd me :(
  4. stinkytaco

    stinkytaco Shipwright

    Oh cool there is a Wiki! Thanks so much for the link+help this should be very helpful.