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Where to start with Modified Magic arrow's

Discussion in 'Modding Help' started by vilereaver41, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. vilereaver41

    vilereaver41 Drill Rusher

    im thinking of making a small legend of zelda arrow set that makes gameplay a little
    more entertaining.

    bassically i have no idea where to start and need a little guidance a little info on what id like to do.

    ice arrow = freezes enemy.

    Dark arrow = make's lower's enemy's gravity so they float up forever and die unless theres a ceiling bassicaly a greg move

    Light arrow = makes the enemy disapear bassicaly an insta kill.

    and maybe a little more. so where to start?
  2. Boea

    Boea Such Beta

    Ice arrow is a water arrow with extended stun. Not sure how to have a cancellable stun.
    Dark Arrow, not sure you can change player gravity/acceleration, but you can add a velocity to them.
    Light Arrow, not difficult at all.
  3. Infiniterising

    Infiniterising Amorous Duelist Donator

    Seems like a very ambitious idea, no doubt somewhat imaginative.
    Perhaps a little too ambitious.

    Most important thing first - What is the final product going to be? Will it be a large mod for a server, eg "Modded Archer RTDM", or a smaller scale mod, such as the special arrows for sale in a workshop for CTF?

    If you don't know how to actually mod, don't start with this project yet. Maybe download some mods other people have made and play around with those, change them, experiment and get experience first. ( F*ck around with values, numbers, etc.)
    Open notepad or something.

    I'm guessing that you probably want the arrows to look different too, some grab a good program for pixel art, I personally don't do much modding outside texture-packs, but I'd recommend getting Paint.Net, free program, works great on windows.
    Of course you could use the stock standard Paint program that comes with your PC, but come on, we all know that it's worthless.

    If you finally get your head around all that, which you should, pick one of the arrows to start on. Probably the light one, sounds like the easiest, because your simply killing a guy when you hit, not the crazy gravity sh*t, like Boea above has stated.
  4. vilereaver41

    vilereaver41 Drill Rusher

    Oh wow this is to ambitious? Damn figured it would be easy to start myself off.

    I wanted a mod inspired by the legend of Zelda especially the wind walker arrow set. As for programming I use eclipse to mod since I do work on my own mc mod so I like to think im semi decent.

    As for pixel art im ok with with doing that myself im sure someone much better then me may offer to make sprites instead. Wouldnt the gravity arrow just need an invisible yet invincible gargoyle to spawn a little above the enemy I guess it could do something else.

    Oh ueah I use pixlr as a paint tool. My goal for this mod is nothing yet I just want to make it and see how it goes I think an archer dm would suit it better since its a small addition. I was hoping to also make a timed sticky bomb arrow or even an oil arrow for set ups.

    Iv often seen interesting things the super smash mod the bunnys mod the rpg mod and such im sure it will be possible only thing im worried about is setting up the arrow effects

    For the ice arrow if it was to stun the person giving the effect of bieng frozen why not add the gargoyle feature by pressing e alot it will free them. Then it would only be a case of switching and tweaking?
  5. Infiniterising

    Infiniterising Amorous Duelist Donator

    Oh yeah, the Greg the gargoyle. That could work.