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Why is KAG using so much resources?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by fu-fu, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. fu-fu

    fu-fu Shipwright

    So, I'm bored, I start up kag. It's lagging. I Run htop, its using ~170% of my CPU.
    So I restart it... And the pre-game menu uses %32 of my CPU. So, here is a screenshot, of all this happening at once.
    It contains all the reliant info, in the different terminals. (Unless I'm missing something.) But yeah, bit curious on why this is happening.
    edit: as you can see in the IRC chat, I'm not particularly happy about this.
  2. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    It shouldn't be, that's bizzare. In-game CPU usage ramps up (especially with collapses or large numbers of players) but I get approximately 6% utilisation of CPU resources in any of the menus. Even that seems kinda high, but considering that's literally us telling irrlicht to draw the menu and listening for mouse events, it's likely irrlicht being CPU heavy rather than our code.
  3. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

    That's odd. In Debian stable and binary nvidia drivers the load rarely spikes over 40%. On an even older OSX box (2006 macmini) when idling it doesn't go over 10%. Plus, looking at your htop, why has KAG spawned 5 processes?

    Attached an xrg/htop screenie from mac:

    Attached Files:

    • kag.png
      File size:
      257.3 KB
  4. HA1TER

    HA1TER Shopkeep Stealer

    wow,i can run 50 programs in background whit KAG and everything works fine :s You have some problem mate??
  5. fu-fu

    fu-fu Shipwright

    Well, after some testing i noticed this happening to alot of programs, including A entirely empty OpenGL window. I think Xorg or GLX is messing up. Hopefully I'll figure out soon. (I mean, A window that is just black, using 100% of my cpu... would porbably use more if it was multi threaded.)

    Ohh, fyi it was some problem with my gfx card and has since been resolved.