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Why was I banned?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by PotatoMcWhiskey, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. I was tunneling under an enemy base (A viable tactic I've used against my enemies and had used against my team many times) and out of nowhere I was banned from KAG.

    What is going on who do I contact in this scenario?
  2. Din182

    Din182 Guest

    Some people just act stupid and ban other people for no reason. It happened to me too. If you know who started it the vote, you can report them.
  3. Mordred

    Mordred Guest

    Banned or votekicked?
    Just to be clear.
    If you got votekicked, it isn't permanent, you'll be able to rejoin after some time.
  4. Beef

    Beef Guest

    Well he said "if you know who started the vote", so votekick? If a mod bans, there's no warning at all, I'm fairly certain.

    I've played with Din before and didn't see any griefing. Sometimes you just meet really particular people; Based off your story in the other thread Din, you didn't do anything wrong. He probably expected you to just suicide, so as not to damage his trap, but being kicked for that is silly. The bans last about a half hour depending on the server. I wouldn't worry about it if it happened like you said

    Edit: Forgot about you OP. Dunno, if there was a mod there, pm them here. If it was just a votekick, it'll expire.