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Wizard Wars

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG]' started by bunnie, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Ever wanted to be a wizard and spam fireballs? Wanted to freeze people, pick them up and throw them into the pit? Wanted to summon zombies? Wanted to heal friends and revive them? Well, now you can!

    Wizard Wars is a gamemode made by @Chrispin. He used some of Sopranos' code. You can change spells with F, or use the number system (press 1 a few times to change through 3 spells for number 1, press 2 a few times to change through 3 spells for number 2 etc). There are 15 spells ATM.

    Greg << Everything
    Zombie knight << Self
    Zombie << Explanatory

    Skeleton rain - some skeletons spawn in the place where you used the spell

    Orb - small, non-controlled orb

    Teleport - teleports you there, where your purple arrow is (it follows your cursor, it doesnt go through blocks or REALLY far tho)

    Counter Spell - makes a small shield around you that destroys the enemy spells near you

    Missiles of Magic - 4 autohoming missiles that do some nice damage

    Ball of Frost - freezes enemy for a few sec, you can grab him when he's frozen

    Healing Spell - half-charge to heal allies with an autohoming missile, fully-charge to heal yourself

    Fire Bomb - a bouncing bomb that sets enemies and wooden blocks on fire when it explodes

    Fire Sprite - an controlled orb

    Meteor Strike - a meteor falls from the place where you used it (purple arrow)

    Revive - if there's a team gravestone near, you can revive the dead person with Revive spell

    Black Hole - Makes a black hole near you. Black hole sucks the enemies near and drains their mana.

    SOCIAL GROUP: https://forum.kag2d.com/social-forums/wizard-wars.1334/


    Can i host this at my server?
    A) Well, you need to be online at the times @Chrispin is avaible, he's in the US timezone. Talk with him on IRC or something. Ask him for permission.

    Q) I found a bug, where do i report it?
    A) At the social group Wizard Wars in the thread Bugs

    Q) I have a suggestion/made a map, where do i post it?
    A) At the social group Wizard Wars in the thread Maps/Suggestions

    Q) I have a different question.
    A) Post it at the thread Questions in the social group Wizard Wars
    Jackard likes this.
  2. ZeThtb

    ZeThtb Haxor

    Great Developers you have, calling people Faggot and Nigger, with ya'll having a chuckle at it...

    Warning, contains Harry Potter Spoilers and Casual Harressment.

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  3. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    put images in spoiler plox
  4. Chrispin

    Chrispin KAG Guard Tester

    ^^was not laughing at his drunken spammy bullshit^^

    I'm an admin yes, but he's the server owner. Make what you will of that.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2015

    TRUTNEV Shipwright

    Hi everyone!

    On the server, I can not go. I do not understand why. Previously, I went without problems.

    Server was not long. Now he appeared. Try to come - he says that I'm banned.
  6. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    You aren't on the banlist. Maybe it was just a pingkick? Try joining again