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Wondering about KAG usage and stuff

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by Slimmy, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. Slimmy

    Slimmy Catapult Fodder

    How good would this be for hosting a KAG server I am thinking of a 24 player Small CTF.
    Is this good settings for it:

    1 virtual CPU
    128 MB memory
    5 GB DISK
    20 GB DATA
    It has 514 meg RAM (which can be uped by 1 gig per 50 cents extra)

    So I will probably be paying 12dollars a month
    It's near my house.
    I'm new so I'm not to savvy with KAG's needs

    Next plan up:
    Basic 1 virtual CPU
    256 MB Memory
    15 GB DISK
    60 GB DATA
    It's the same amount of RAM so I will be paying i reckon an extra dollar for 2.5 gig RAM