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Wooden platforms allow infinite backwall placement.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by shai-hulud, Jun 7, 2013.

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  1. shai-hulud

    shai-hulud Shipwright

    Category: KAG Client
    Operating system: Windows
    Build number: 7.62
    Description: Backwalls can be placed behind wooden platforms an infinite amount of times.
    Steps to reproduce: Place a wooden platform. Place a backwall behind it. Either keep holding the button down, or continue clicking. Resources will continue to drain even though backwall already exists.
    Screenshots/Videos: N/A
    kaizokuroof likes this.
  2. kaizokuroof

    kaizokuroof Agkubuk|'Kaizokuroof' Cilobakil, Roofpointy Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    Reported into Mantis :thumbs_up::yes:
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