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"Workshop" Patch Now Causing Sound Issues

Discussion in 'General Help' started by vandolin, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. vandolin

    vandolin Shipwright

    I started play KAG a few days before the "Workshop" patch which hit a couple of days ago, and it ran fine. Something in that patch, however, is causing some kind of issue. I have to go into autoconfig and turn sound off, otherwise I can get some serious hanging issues when many sounds are triggered at once (i.e. a bomb gibbing multiple people, a building collapsing, etc.). When I turn sound off, it runs perfectly.

    I double checked all of my drivers to be safe, and everything is up to date. Is there a way to work around this? Normally it runs fine. Just things like lots of gib making sound or a building collapsing is doing it. I would love to play with sound :)

    Also, fantastic game, I am hooked. Going Premium was a no brainer when I saw your planned features to come.
  2. illu

    illu En Garde! Donator Tester

    Linux or Windows?
  3. vandolin

    vandolin Shipwright

    It's Windows XP, sorry I should have mentioned that. I did some poking around and I fixed it by changing "global s_system" from 0 (autodetect) to 3 (Windows MM). Hope this helps others who have similar issues.
    illu likes this.