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Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by miniu, Apr 14, 2013.

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  1. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    How to make tunnel , knight armory and archer range on non premium ctf?
  2. PainGiver

    PainGiver Arsonist

    Here ya go, but I am pretty sure the knight and archer range won't work on a non premium server. Tunnel will work though.

    # Workshop config file
    # $ string
    # @ array
    # sprite
    $sprite_factory = room_sprite
    $sprite_texture = Entities/Rooms/Sprites/EmptyRoom.png
    s32_sprite_frame_width = 24
    s32_sprite_frame_height = 24
    $sprite_sound_death_hit =
    $sprite_sound_flesh_hit = Sounds/pick_wall?.ogg
    $sprite_sound_die = Sounds/destroy_wall.ogg
    $sprite_sound_spawn = Entities/Rooms/Sounds/ConstructShort.ogg
    $sprite_sound_gib = Entities/Rooms/Sounds/DestroyRoom.ogg
    $sprite_sound_emit =
        $sprite_gibs_start = *start*
        $gib_type = static_particle
        $gib_file = Entities/Rooms/Sprites/RoomGibs.png
        u8_gib_count = 9                    #number of gibs
        u8_gib_style = 0                    #column
        u8_frame_width = 8;
        u8_frame_height = 8;
        @u8_gib_frame = 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7;    #row
        $gib_collide_sound = Sounds/rock_hit?.ogg
        f32_gib_mass = 2.5
        u8_gib_emit = 255                    #nothing
        f32_velocity = 12.0
        f32_offset_x = 0.0
        f32_offset_y = 0.0
        $sprite_gibs_end = *end*
    f32_blood_multiplier = 8.0
    clr_blood_color = 255; 50; 40; 30
      $sprite_animation_start = *start*
      # default
      $sprite_animation_default_name = default
      u16_sprite_animation_default_time = 1
      u8_sprite_animation_default_loop = 0
      @u16_sprite_animation_default_frames = 0;
      $sprite_animation_end = *end*
    # light
    f32_light_radius = 50.0
    clr_light_color = 255; 255; 240; 171
    1_light_default_on = 0
    # room
    $sprite_sound_build = Entities/Rooms/Sounds/Construct.ogg
    # ball
    $ball_factory = room_ball
    f32_ball_width = 24.0
    f32_ball_height = 24.0
    f32_ball_radius = 12.0
    f32_ball_max_upspeed = 0.0
    f32_ball_max_fallspeed = 0.0
    f32_ball_max_airspeed = 0.0
    f32_ball_max_groundspeed = 0.0
    f32_ball_max_actionspeed = 0.0
    f32_ball_gravity = 0.0
    f32_ball_ground_slide = 0.0
    f32_ball_wall_slide = 0.0
    f32_ball_ladder_slide = 0.0
    f32_ball_ground_bounce = 0.0
    f32_ball_wall_bounce = 0.0
    1_ball_opens_doors = 0
    1_ball_opens_bridges = 0
    f32_ball_hit_momentum = 0.0
    # unused
    $movement_factory =
    $weapon_factory =
    $brain_factory =
    $attachment_factory =
    # general
    $name =
    f32_health = 3.0
    f32 gib_health = -2.5
    $help_text = Hold $KEY7$ and\nselect workshop\nto build
    u8_default_room = 0
    # room syntax - room name; room level (0 menu - 1... upgrade); room sprite; room help text; room items/functions, item2, item3 ...; costs , , , (g gold, s stone, w wood, c coins, l level, u upgrades_from, r requires_roomname - none) ...
    @$rooms = #
    BOMB WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/BombShop.png; Press $KEY7$ to buy bombs; bomb, keg; w50, s50;     
    QUARTERS; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Quarters.png; Wait for migrant to come\n$KEY7$ change to builder; heal, class 0; w50, -;
    ARROW WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/ArrowShop.png; $KEY7$ to make arrow; arrow; w30;
    SIEGE WORKSHOP; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/SiegeShop.png; $KEY7$ to build catapult; catapult; w50 ;     
    TUNNEL; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Tunnel.png; Press $KEY7$ to travel quickly; travel_right, travel_left; s50;
    ARCHERY RANGE; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/ArcheryRange.png; Archer $KEY7$; class 0, class 1; w30;
    KNIGHT ARMORY; Entities/Rooms/Sprites/Armoury.png; Knight $KEY7$; class 0, class 2; w30;
    @$room_functions = #
    bomb; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/BombMake.ogg; 12; 16; Bomb costs 10 coins; c10;
    arrow; -; -; Entities/Items/Sprites/MaterialStacks.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/ArrowsMake.ogg; 10; 16; Arrow cost 1 coin; c*10;
    catapult; -; -; Sprites/catapult.png; d; 0; 32; Construct a Catapult; w120;
    outpost; -; -; Sprites/outpost1.png; d; 0; 32; Construct an Outpost; w120, g60;
    heal; -; -; -; Sounds/heart.ogg; 0; 0; Healing; -;
    travel_left; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/Travel.ogg; 1; 32; Travel Left; -;
    travel_right; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/Travel.ogg; 1; 32; Travel Right; -;
    class 1; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/SwitchArcher.ogg; 16; 32; Archer; -;
    class 2; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/SwitchKnight.ogg; 12; 32; Knight; -;
    class 0; -; -; GUI/MenuItems.png; Entities/Rooms/Sounds/SwitchBuilder.ogg; 8; 32; Builder; -;
    # - nothing
    # - in room_functions as texture = don't add to menu - collide function
    # d default build sound             
    # c*10 - buy as much as possible, max 10
  3. miniu

    miniu Haxor

  4. LightTab2

    LightTab2 Drill Rusher
    1. Zen Laboratories

    I` m mean the premium is crated to play on serwers with premium items. I mean, thats not fair, you need be banned?
  5. miniu

    miniu Haxor

    learn english, next start to read, and there you can say something (God pls smarter this time)
    @topic mod can lock this thread.
    //Locked upon Request
    :heart: jackitch
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