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World Domination

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by MM, Nov 3, 2011.

Mods: jackitch
  1. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    You might have noticed that there is not a lot of Japanese and Australians on KAG. Actually they sometimes come and play but quickly run off because their pings are so high! We need to setup some new servers in new locations. Here is my list. If you can provide some hosting or you know some provider which I can contact please let us know!

    - Australia / New Zealand
    - East Asia (Japan/Korea/China)
    - West Coast USA
    - South America
    Apronymous, fiddy, rocker2 and 11 others like this.
  2. Rhyno

    Rhyno Shipwright

    Hey MM,
    There are already 2 servers running for Australians but they seem to lag out every now and then which leads to everybody freezing on the screen for 5 seconds or more. It gets very annoying, however, everybody lags at the same time which is strange... But still, its a lot better than playing on US servers and getting owned all the time cause of extreme lag.
  3. Static

    Static Shopkeep Stealer

    Has this still be happening?

    This should be fixed by the 15th of November with a bit of luck.

    Once this issue is resolved i am happy to host more servers.
  4. ilaks

    ilaks Bison Rider Donator

    What about South America? I bet there are thousands of potential players over there!
  5. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Antarctica needs a server. The penguins here are getting feisty.
    kl4060, HERaLD, Yoshimotoman and 15 others like this.
  6. Vikthar

    Vikthar Shipwright

    Last weekend the ABC3 TV show Spawn Point did a short cover on KAG which may be a reason for some spike in activity from the southern " hemispherians " " , " hemispherianites? ", anyways. They chose not to rate becuase it had no Australian server to play on at the time of review.

    The show is aimed at the younglings but still, here it is http://www.abc.net.au/abc3/goodgamesp/transcripts/s3344541.htm
  7. Static

    Static Shopkeep Stealer

    That is how i found the game :P
    Ghozt, Stevedog, SARGRA13 and 4 others like this.
  8. Vikthar

    Vikthar Shipwright

    Me too ;)
  9. Potassiumxthree

    Potassiumxthree Shipwright

    The west coast isn't too bad, but sometimes if I join the second server on the list get kicked for too high ping. But usually can join 1-3 servers fine.
  10. Darksteel

    Darksteel The see me Boulderin', they hatin'. Donator
    1. Australians United Stand Strong - AUSS - (Invite Only)

    Not a kid but, i was also introduced by the good game team... P.S. Hex Rocks!
    Stevedog likes this.
  11. MM

    MM THD Team THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    Yes, added South America to the list. Brazilians love my games so I'm sure they want KAG servers!
    If you don't have a server could you at least find some game server providers and nag them to install KAG?
    Apronymous likes this.
  12. Semi

    Semi Everypony Donator

  13. LLC

    LLC Shipwright

  14. DUZ

    DUZ Horde Gibber Tester

    KAGBrasil.com had a 64 players server but the host canceled the partnership. We are trying to open the server again...
  15. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

  16. Auri

    Auri Tunnel Addict Donator Tester

    Does KAG support east Asian character input? I never tried it...

    If so, I wouldn't mind setting up a korean & a japanese server.
  17. trelawney

    trelawney KAG Guard Tester

  18. Foxodi

    Foxodi KAG Guard Tester

    Oh please do, I will forever be in your debt. Unfortunately japanese/korean hosts with english writing is fairly limited and I'm not sure if any of the ones I've found has the cpu power for KAG :/
  19. Teemo

    Teemo T͔̕e͖͚̖̯̩̪͙͝e͡m̖o̤̪͘ Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    There are two satellite primarily, GOES (and I think TDRS) that provide connectivity. Both are slightly outdated.
    The newer satellites run in geosynchronous orbit, which is only at the equator and can't establish LoS at Antarctica.

    Latency is in the high hundreds to thousands.
    P2P/Skype/etc is expressly forbidden in all forms.
    There are short windows of broadband connectivity, not 24/7. We are talking less than 2 Mbps.
    There are emergency satellite modems for 24/7 connectivity, but these are less than ~3.0KiB/sec in practice.

    Scientific data takes priority, all other traffic, web browsing, etc is scaled back and rate limited / QoSed.

    The outbound "public" IP address is geolocated/marked US (at a US-owned station), all the VoIP phones have a US area code and ten digit number.
    Most popular games are playable over LAN - 3 *second* latency is not fun for any FPS ;)
    buster-boy17, Ej, SARGRA13 and 4 others like this.
  20. EchoLynx

    EchoLynx Catapult Fodder

    If you want more servers, make it as easy as possible to use the server software. Documentation would help, particularly documentation in the language of the locale you want more servers in.
    Razi, Chrispin and DUZ like this.
Mods: jackitch