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wormy, Harlekin

Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by Galen, Oct 3, 2012.

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  1. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Hello guys, I just've been playing on Clemo7's server for like... 30 seconds? And got votekicked by wormy and Harlekin for no reason.

    [12:30:00] Trying to connect to... Clemo7's Fast Round
    [12:30:01] New player joined the game
    [12:30:01] New player joined the game
    [12:30:01] New player joined the game
    [12:30:01] New player joined the game
    [12:30:01] New player joined the game
    [12:30:01] New player joined the game
    [12:30:01] New player joined the game
    [12:30:01] New player joined the game
    [12:30:01] Unnamed player is now known as Royal navajo
    [12:30:01] Royal navajo has joined Blue Team
    [12:30:01] Unnamed player is now known as Total Filystyn
    [12:30:01] Total Filystyn has joined Blue Team
    [12:30:01] Unnamed player is now known as ninjagum
    [12:30:01] ninjagum has joined Blue Team
    [12:30:01] Unnamed player is now known as Tea wormy
    [12:30:01] Tea wormy has joined Red Team
    [12:30:01] Unnamed player is now known as Tea Harlekin
    [12:30:01] Tea Harlekin has joined Red Team
    [12:30:01] Unnamed player is now known as Dwarf Sarkalest
    [12:30:01] Dwarf Sarkalest has joined Blue Team
    [12:30:01] Unnamed player is now known as Sir komana
    [12:30:01] Sir komana has joined Red Team
    [12:30:01] Unnamed player is now known as GalenMarek
    [12:30:01] GalenMarek is now known as [BoW] GalenMarek
    [12:30:01] [BoW] GalenMarek has joined Red Team
    [12:30:02] New player joined the game
    [12:30:02] Unnamed player is now known as nelson1216
    [12:30:02] nelson1216 is now known as [Pxl] nelson1216
    [12:30:02] [Pxl] nelson1216 has joined Blue Team
    [12:30:12] New player joined the game
    [12:30:12] Unnamed player is now known as DuMBaSSxD
    [12:30:12] DuMBaSSxD is now known as [RuS] DuMBaSSxD
    [12:30:12] [RuS] DuMBaSSxD has joined Red Team
    [12:30:15] <Dwarf Sarkalest> yOU SAID?
    [12:30:16]  * [BoW] GalenMarek * has been voted to be kicked by Tea wormy (1/2)
    [12:30:16] ninjagum left the game
    [12:30:18]  * [BoW] GalenMarek * has been voted to be kicked by Tea wormy (1/2)
    [12:30:21] <Tea Harlekin> :D
    [12:30:22] <Tea wormy> kick him harlekin
    [12:30:23]  * Can't spawn units depleted
    [12:30:24] <Tea wormy> hes bad admin
    [12:30:26] <Tea wormy> hes abuser
    [12:30:28] <[BoW] GalenMarek> You are bad
    [12:30:32] <Tea wormy> KICK HIM HARLEKIN FAST
    [12:30:32] Can't mark until you have played for 3 mins
    [12:30:33] Can't mark until you have played for 3 mins
    [12:30:33] Can't mark until you have played for 3 mins
    [12:30:37]  * [BoW] GalenMarek * has been voted to be kicked by Tea Harlekin (2/2)
    [12:30:37] <Dwarf Sarkalest> Oh it's wormy
    [12:30:47] Trying to connect to... Clemo7's Fast Round
    I hope you can do anything about these two. Or atleast wormy, this guy has been extremely annoying. He did "perform" these actions quite often yet.
    Thanks in advance.
    Pizza, Wixmef, bunnie and 3 others like this.
  2. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    I confirm that.
    He also votekicked me for no reason on another server, vladislavbyk or watchamacallit one.
    bunnie likes this.
  3. Jlordo

    Jlordo Nobody Donator

    Wormy is extremely annoying. The last 2 times I have seen him, he was spamming a message he got from a staff that said he was "banned for 2 days due to griefing" over and over and over... and he tried to votekick me before for no reason.
    bunnie likes this.
  4. Well, i'm reporting Wormy and Harlekin too, because they are seriously insult us, the game and even Kouji D: I uploaded the log, so everybody can read it. He seems to be like a random 12 year old kid.. who just randomly pops out swearing words at us. It's not the first time he does that. Whatever log was the first file that I randomly popped in, don't watch it. It was a random server log...

    Attached Files:

    bunnie likes this.
  5. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

  6. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    But they are still doing this.
    bunnie likes this.
  7. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Pizza and bunnie like this.
  8. justi01

    justi01 Haxor

    He's only showing people that wormy's already done this kinda stuff before.
  9. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Oh, I... misunderstood that then, sorry.
    Pizza and bunnie like this.
  10. Worm

    Worm Derpship Commander Donator

    Don't insult me if you see in game, beacuse it happened same when Wormman was bad.
    Just saying in case.
    bunnie likes this.
  11. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    I think people can make the difference between a fag and good guy.
    bunnie, Karpovich and Lemmingworld like this.
  12. ....?
    bunnie likes this.
  13. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    Indeed, Karp, indeed.
    Pizza and bunnie like this.
  14. Sarkalest

    Sarkalest Haxor

    Insanity.. Insanity.
    bunnie likes this.
  15. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

    As he asked for it - banned.
    Harlekin, Wixmef, rocker2 and 7 others like this.
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