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[ZBOUBLand][TDM] Hunt server ! Be a Beast or a Hunter !

Discussion in 'Server Directory' started by YuviiX, Aug 29, 2012.

Mods: jackitch
  1. YuviiX

    YuviiX Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Hi littles guys !

    A new server is going to be gooooood !
    The first (?) Hunt server, be a beast or a hunter and fight to the death in this good TDM server !
    Images can say much than me :



    Actually hosting on my computer (no big lags, don't worry)
    12 slots (maybe more later)

    Admins :
    • YuviiX
    • Sir Fortitu

    Todo list :
    • Add more beast (chickens workers, and others (suggestions ?) )
    • Make beast move faster

    Web site : http://zboubland.mablog.eu/

    IP :
    Fortitu likes this.
  2. Fortitu

    Fortitu Haxor

    Best server for KAG! I recommended it.
  3. YuviiX

    YuviiX Ballista Bolt Thrower

    If you have any suggestions, thanks to share it on the website or here :)
    Fortitu likes this.
  4. starsoccer9

    starsoccer9 Bison Rider

    is it up i cant seem to find it :(
Mods: jackitch