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Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by Ivy, Sep 5, 2012.

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  1. Ivy

    Ivy Shopkeep Stealer

    Name : Zeus_I
    Server : [BoW] Battlegrounds
    Video : https://vimeo.com/48904859

    I finally caught the griefer; He had always managed to escape before, even though I had tried to convince other people to use the vote kick to get his profile banned.

    Kag's Log :
    [20:57:57] Trying to connect to... [BoW] Battlegrounds
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] New player joined the game
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as Zeus_I
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as Barbare
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as jason2244
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as APTEM07070701
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as AGRIVATED1
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as HazenWood
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as HDGZeff
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as makasa
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as yoshimingtsu
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as [Drs] h97
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as zorro74
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as gugato
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as Striker5555
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as bratekpl
    [20:57:58] Unnamed player is now known as FRAGS larsalon
    [21:01:34] New player joined the game
    [21:01:34] Unnamed player is now known as magnum358
    [21:01:37] Can't change team when teams are unbalanced!
    [21:01:43] Lasker22 left the game
    [21:01:47] New player joined the game
    [21:01:47] Unnamed player is now known as nubatron
    [21:01:47] nubatron is now known as /v/nubatron
    [21:01:48] <DakuMuys> aargh
    [21:01:58] New player joined the game
    [21:01:58] Unnamed player is now known as h97
    [21:01:58] h97 is now known as [Drs] h97
    [21:02:04] <Goblin_king> build bomb shop
    [21:02:16] [Drs] h97 left the game
    [21:02:21] New player joined the game
    [21:02:21] Unnamed player is now known as h97
    [21:02:22] h97 is now known as [Drs] h97
    [21:02:24] [Drs] h97 left the game
    [21:02:24] D-Six left the game
    [21:02:37] New player joined the game
    [21:02:37] Unnamed player is now known as EnderWiggen
    [21:03:50] Trying to connect to... [BoW] Battlegrounds
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] New player joined the game
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as Zeus_I
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as Barbare
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as jason2244
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as AGRIVATED1
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as HazenWood
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as HDGZeff
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as makasa
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as yoshimingtsu
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as zorro74
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as gugato
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as bratekpl
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as kuba222
    [21:03:51] Unnamed player is now known as fiddy
    [21:04:03] fiddy left the game
    [21:04:18] New player joined the game
    [21:04:18] Unnamed player is now known as snrub
    [21:04:26] New player joined the game
    [21:04:26] Unnamed player is now known as sSwSs
    [21:04:38] <HazenWood> trap
    [21:05:13] New player joined the game
    [21:05:13] Unnamed player is now known as kuba1234173
    [21:05:14] kuba1234173 is now known as #CoEG kuba1234173
    [21:05:15] <Zeus_I> kill this spin !!!
    [21:05:18] <#CoEG kuba1234173> siemna
    [21:05:19] <#CoEG kuba1234173> siema
    [21:05:34] <zorro74> ohhhhh epic failll
    [21:06:17] AGRIVATED1 left the game
    [21:06:35] #CoEG kuba1234173 left the game
    [21:06:36] <zorro74> g
    [21:06:56] <zorro74> gg
    [21:07:01] <kuba222> jason wzioles strzaly
    [21:07:21] bratekpl left the game
    [21:07:28] New player joined the game
    [21:07:28] Unnamed player is now known as Mattius
    [21:07:34] <Zeus_I> kill that ...
    [21:07:35] <HazenWood> defencee
    [21:07:53] <Zeus_I> noob builder on my team who TK
    [21:08:08] <Zeus_I> (and you don t know who build
    [21:08:23] <zorro74> come
    [21:09:12] New player joined the game
    [21:09:12] Unnamed player is now known as cjarthur
    [21:09:12] <zorro74> ohhhh
    [21:09:15] <Mattius> remove those fuckin spikes
    [21:09:16] <Mattius> wtf
    [21:09:31] <zorro74> rahhhh
    [21:10:20] HazenWood left the game
    [21:10:37] <zorro74> my name zorro
    [21:10:41] New player joined the game
    [21:10:41] Unnamed player is now known as Konduktor
    [21:10:43] <zorro74> roronoa
    [21:11:16] <zorro74> come
    [21:11:40] <zorro74> come
    [21:11:46] Konduktor left the game
    [21:12:04] snrub left the game
    [21:12:22] <zorro74> come knight red
    [21:12:37] <zorro74> i have no fear
    [21:12:50] <makasa> estb rysskie
    [21:13:02] <gugato> loll
    [21:13:08] * Can't spawn units depleted
    [21:13:15] <makasa> y
    [21:13:36] <kuba222> t
    [21:13:44] <gugato> lol
    [21:13:47] Zeus_I left the game
    [21:13:52] Mattius left the game

  2. Furai

    Furai THD Team THD Team Administrator

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