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Zombie Mode help

Discussion in 'Server Help' started by greenskye, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. greenskye

    greenskye Catapult Fodder

    I'm trying to learn how to play Zombie Fortress on a server I set up for some friends. I'd like to make a few slight tweaks to how respawns work if possible.

    I think I've managed to figure out that you can only respawn if you have an extra migrant and that migrants only come at dawn. I found the original 5 minute days rather short and changed them to ~20 min. Which meant that a player potentially has to wait 20 minutes to respawn. For just a game with friends, this seems to be too long of a wait. Is shortening the days the only way to decrease respawn times?

    playerrespawn_seconds = 60.0
    nearspawn_multiplier = 1.0
    I initially tried to adjust this value, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

    So then I thought perhaps you could either force dawn to happen right away (via an admin tool) or that you could change when migrants show up or increase how many come when they do. However I haven't been able to find any of that.

    When I tried switching to very short days, I noticed that the difficulty ramps up very quickly, so I thought maybe I could slow down the difficulty rise to compensate for the shorter days.

    s32_difficulty = 1    # starting difficulty
    s32_difficulty_increase_per_day = 10
    s32_difficulty_increase_boss = 25
    s32_difficulty_on_breach_dungeon = 17
    s32_max_zombies_spawned = 100
    # time = 0 - midnight - 255 midnight  (default 39-213)
    u8_zombie_time_start = 32
    u8_zombie_time_end = 213
    This seemed easy enough to understand. The game increases in difficulty by 10 each day and on special occasions (portal/boss/etc). However I don't really understand how the u8_zombie_time_start and u8_zombie_time_end work. I'm assuming they control when a zombie can spawn? A day goes from 0-255 or jumps by 5.625 minutes. According to the defaults that would mean zombies spawn between 3am and ~8pm. Which seems odd. Why would they spawn for most of the day and not at night? It would seem more like this variable controls when zombies do NOT spawn (and this seems backed up by personal experience). Regardless, it's rather confusing. Does anyone else know how it works?

    I'd be fine if it were a minute or 2 wait, but it really kills the game for me if one of us just has to sit there for 5-20 minutes. Anyone else figured this out?
    </br>--- merged: Jul 17, 2013 3:56 PM ---</br>
    I'm not sure why this got moved to Server help. It really has very little to do with servers at all...