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Yihka's Zombie Modding Guide

Discussion in 'Modding [KAG Classic]' started by Yihka, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    This command is automatically set in Dedticated_autoconfig for servers. You can change it there
    Specta likes this.
  2. goodyman8

    goodyman8 Bison Rider

    Zombie fortress is automatically set in gold, which is why I put the extra blocks there to begin with.
    As I said, it doesn't work anymore.
  3. Derschlact

    Derschlact FIRE AT WILL! Donator

    It apparently makes an offline game gold, then you are supposed to go to the next map using admin button, and there are your wood blocks, but I have no idea what happened there
  4. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    well last time I tried getting wood blocks was in swordfight. I apparenlty got swordfight better blocks though.
    Specta likes this.
  5. ockpii

    ockpii Horde Gibber

    I've managed to change the size of the map with the help of this guide but it seems that lately it's been kind of bugged. Whenever I make a big map (bigger than default) no Zombies spawn :\ Any suggestions?
  6. mishKa

    mishKa Mayo for everybody. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛ Donator

    Are you sure you are not missing "zombie_portal_config = Entities/Rooms/Portal.cfg" line in the "rules/zombie_survival/gamemode.cfg" file?
  7. ockpii

    ockpii Horde Gibber

    Yeah, I just checked, it's there.
    Have a look:
    # config file for game rules
    # rules name: CTF
    # rules description:

    teams = Rules/Zombie_Survival/team1.cfg; Rules/Zombie_Survival/team2.cfg;

    gamemode_name = Zombie Fortress
    gamemode_info = 1. Build a Fort\n2. Watch out for Zombies

    # match time formula is = m*(a*sqrt(b*x)) where x = number of players in team; m = map size/difficulty 0.8<=m<=1.2;
    match_time_formula_a = 5
    match_time_formula_b = 3
    match_time_override = 0 # minutes / overrides time formula / 0 unlimited time / -1 don't override

    daycycle_speed = 5 # 1 day = X minutes; / 0 no cycle
    daycycle_start = 0.33 # 0.0 midnight; 0.5 - midday; 1.0 midnight

    timepassed_teamwin = 0 # which team wins when time passes (-1 none)
    break_time = 3 # seconds * lowest team size
    minimum_players_inteam = 0

    autoassign_teams = yes
    autoassign_classes = no
    autoassign_inventory = no

    auto_bots = no
    fog_of_war = 0 # todo

    #todo: move these to team

    playerrespawn_seconds = 60.0
    nearspawn_multiplier = 1.0
    switch_teams_onrestart = no # doesn't work yet

    death_points = -100
    kill_points = 10
    selfkill_points = -50

    attackdamage_modifier = 0.5
    falldamage_modifier = 1.0
    friendlydamage_modifier = 0.0

    itempick_mode = no
    itempick_points = 0

    unlimited_ammo = no

    force_weightclass = 0

    new_sacks_in_tent = no
    sacks_count = 0

    flags_count = 0
    flags_respawn = yes
    flags_return = yes
    flag_score = 0

    gold_score_percentage = 0
    heart_fallout_probability = 3 # 0 - no hearts; 1 - every death; 2.. - randomly probability of 2...
    spawn_tent_onstart = no
    restartmap_onlastplayer_disconnect = yes
    nocollapsing_nearspawn = no
    mirrormap = no

    coins_death_drop_percentage = 30
    coins_damage_enemy = 0
    coins_build_percentage = 10
    coins_bomb_cost = 20
    coins_arrows_cost = 1
    coins_heal_cost = 0

    room_config = Entities/Rooms/Zombie_Room.cfg

    zombie_portal_config = Entities/Rooms/Portal.cfg

    party_mode = 1 # unit counter is replaced with members of party
    warmup_barrier = 0

    director_config = Entities/Managers/ZombieDirector.cfg

    player_light_radius = 14

    minimap = 0

    # map resources
    mapresource_thickstone = 4
    mapresource_stone = 2
    mapresource_tree = 6
    mapresource_arrow = 1
    mapresource_gold = 2
    # end map resources

    Also, they don't spawn on the sides of the map, essentially, can't remember the altar status.
  8. ColbyCheez

    ColbyCheez Horde Gibber

    I think The sv_gold_only 1 command can work On singlePlayer as well. Press home and write the command? If that doesnt work, we should ask A Multiplayer zombie server host to give us his zombie file?
  9. hans_02

    hans_02 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    It's easy to add zombies with your own sprites.