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[428] VIP Archer Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by evol_nomad, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    It is good for Muti-player as well as zombies.
  2. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    You can walk straight through it. :p If you put a little tower next to the spike pit it might be, yes. :rollseyes:
  3. Grindle

    Grindle Shipwright

    I think he said the spike pit was to funnel out bombs,
    so like get rid of the trap before we cross :>:(::right: :blank::gear::no:
    I guess you could have a tunnel in there or something and it does matter if the archers aren't stupid :D.
    Yes but Rilety face is right 1 or 2 bombs could take this down :p.
    I would love to see a bunch of helpless archers get gibbed by that :).
  4. PeterPan14

    PeterPan14 Bison Rider

    Yeah you somehow need to make sure that no idiots mine the tree, maybe you could put more then one tree, so even if they start mining one you have the other ones still?
  5. CoD

    CoD Haxor

    Bunny if you added spikes on the edges you wouldn't be able to get without being spiked, unless you slash-jump out.
    short_round likes this.
  6. Bunnyboy

    Bunnyboy Haxor

    Yeah, if it 3 or 4 blocks high you can get out (as a knight) so why don't you just make it 5 deep. :p
  7. Gonf

    Gonf Base Burner

    I think the tower is very unique and helpful, but I cannot imagine it being used in any practical sense on a CTF server. Very vulnerable to bombs, as Rilety pointed out, and a simple leaping knight who does a single stab will bring down any archers into the hoards of awaiting enemies below.

    It may be better on a Zombie server, but then you'd have to add team bridges for knights to enter, and in that sense the tower isn't any different from a lot of other Zombie towers I've seen.

    Great ideas, but not practical.
  8. but but but, what if a builder comes along (just one), walls over the bottom of the tower then collapses it????

    also you might want to add uncompleted workshops (only requires 18 wood) to block enemy archer shots, so that our archers have a starting advantage
  9. Gonf

    Gonf Base Burner

    Sorry, I didn't understand the tree concept. I thought it was used not only to climb up to the tower, but also as and archer perch, not unlike the ladders used in normal archer towers.
  10. Gonf

    Gonf Base Burner

    That's kinda the case with any tower. "What if a builder comes along, seals off the exits with stone and collapses it?"
  11. Miauw62

    Miauw62 Shipwright

    Thats for any tower.
    2 knights and a builder can take down any tower if its not properly defended.
    Canadian98 likes this.