1. Report players that have been found griefing, hacking or abusive here. No discussion, evidence only; please use the template and read the stickies.
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  3. Report players that have been found griefing, hacking or abusive here. No discussion, evidence only; please use the template and read the stickies.
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{trust} rtonyan

Discussion in 'Reports for Abusive Players/Cheaters' started by master-chief, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. master-chief

    master-chief Arsonist

    Server: prozeds funhouse

    Time: 5:21pm as my pc says
    no video as i was in full screen when it happend and was not able to get fraps up
    lots of screen shots if him griefing and at least one of him incaseing our spwan as well as some chat logs of other players saying he griefed
    Chat Logs
    Screenshots maby make those screen shots tons!!!

    Attached Files:

  2. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Ugh, no need for so many useless spoilers and pictures, the picture of him chilling on top of the base with it blocked would've been just fine, however it's greatly suggested you still try to make a video to report someone.

    Also why was there no attempt to call a guard or vote-kick him?
  3. master-chief

    master-chief Arsonist

    we did try to vote kick and forgot to call a guard also if anyone can tell me why i cant get chat logs up that would be vary helpful
  4. Boxpipe

    Boxpipe single, female, lawyer

    Located under:

    just attach the .txt file if you are having troubles pasting it under a spoiler.
  5. master-chief

    master-chief Arsonist

    umm that did not work it said the file was emty