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[514] Forces Updated Base Tower

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Force, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    This is a design I came up with for the near tent tower. Its a more refined version of my other one. The tower in the picture is in Build 514.

    Archer Nest: The trapdoors hide the archers from the enemies view. Archers dont have to expose their whole body to shoot the enemy. There is also a door on the floor of the nest that allows archers to shoot any knights camping in the trap.
    Catapult Nest: The ladders allow stone to pass them and the catapult fits very well in it.
    Health Shop: The health shop is located in a convenient location beside the archer nest. This allows archers to easily heal themselves.
    Spike Trap: This might not be one of those epicly awesome looking traps but don't underestimate it's effectiveness. It not only a spike trap, it prevents enemy knights from digging the team door and making a foothold.
    Archer Nest: The trapdoors hide the archers from the enemies view. Archers dont have to expose their whole body to shoot the enemy. There is also a door on the floor of the nest that allows archers to shoot any knights camping in the trap.
    Catapult Nest: The ladders allow stone to pass them and the catapult fits very well in it.
    Health Shop: The health shop is located in a convenient location beside the archer nest. This allows archers to easily heal themselves.
    Spike Trap: This might not be one of those epicly awesome looking traps but don't underestimate it's effectiveness. It not only a spike trap, it prevents enemy knights from digging the team door and making a foothold.
    Spikes next to Cata Nest: These prevent bomb jumpers.
    Stone Backing: These make the enemy unsure onto whats there and also reinforce the structure.
    Spike on trapbridge: If the enemy do make it up they will propell themselves onto this spike because of the trapbridge under the door thats on the right to the spike on the trapbridge.

    Thats pretty much all of it. Please Critique this building, give your opinion and post comments!

    Attached Files:

  2. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    The spike trap doesn't work, as knights can just jump into the middle.
    kl4060 likes this.
  3. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Actually it does work, ill try to modify it. If a knight lands on the middle of it they will be damaged by 2 spikes.
  4. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    try to put the build number in the title. It stops you from getting warnings.
  5. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    No they won't, i tested it ^-^
    kl4060 and Bammboo like this.
  6. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    I did put the build number in the top line of text. 514... //no, they mean in the title, of the thread, not the top of the post itself. Edited to make it correct ~ Kouji
    </br>--- merged: Oct 8, 2012 6:35 AM ---</br>
    Its instakill if they land on it from at least 4 blocks high. Once i put a ledge next to the trap and a few knights vaulted on the ledge and instantly died when they landed on the trap. They were even wall sliding on the tower wall!
    Froghead48 likes this.
  7. FG

    FG Fran Donator

    Screen shot 2012-10-13 at 7.19.23 PM.png Screen shot 2012-10-13 at 7.22.44 PM.png termites can easily run up to the building and block themselves in.

    -------------------------------------:up: archers can shoot the termites when attempting to collapse the tower.
  8. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    True, but using that archer hole makes the tower very vulnerable to bombs. I have tried using that on towers and they have easily been destroyed by a knight with a few bombs. Where do you suggest i put this? Im confused...
    FG likes this.
  9. FG

    FG Fran Donator

    Maybe you could make it longer or try another trap like this. knights might be able to dig under it though.
    Screen shot 2012-10-15 at 9.44.09 PM.png :left:
    Froghead48 likes this.
  10. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Yes but it also makes it alot more vulnerable to bombs. And provides a premade tunnel to the tent.
  11. GreenArrow17

    GreenArrow17 Shark Slayer

    like the last one,add cata hood for protection and definatly add kneecapper to stop termites and piss off nites.
  12. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    What is a kneecapper? And i will add the hood for the cata.
  13. GreenArrow17

    GreenArrow17 Shark Slayer

    @force: a kneecapper is a one block slit that archers can fire through,they are very effective at killing nites as they ladder up on walls.they also make it harder for a builder to termite through ur wall.if u want an exaple look at franks post a few above;make sure the door is faceing to ur team.

    they have to be that hight

    wat they do is allow for archers to fire through while the bridges protect them from bombs and support the wall.

    while thefy are effective they provide a weak spot for bombs :(
  14. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Could u give me a link
  15. GreenArrow17

    GreenArrow17 Shark Slayer

    as in a link to a guide or the post?.the post is like five above this post by frankomaster.i do not no of a guide for kneecappers try searching it
  16. stig700

    stig700 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    i have the problem that trees allow archers to get close to the tower use tree limmiters

    :castle_bg::castle_bg::castle_bg: this building limmits the height of trees but makes them so they are still there
    GreenArrow17 likes this.
  17. GreenArrow17

    GreenArrow17 Shark Slayer

    @stig: i dont umderstand,are u saying to block the tops off trees so archers cannot climb ova a wall? i dont understand
  18. stig700

    stig700 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    ye limmit how high the tree is so they cant get up the tower by climbing the trees
    GreenArrow17 likes this.
  19. GreenArrow17

    GreenArrow17 Shark Slayer

    ohh i get u now so u want to keep them to prevent ladders and termites but stop archers from climbing over !!!
  20. stig700

    stig700 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    thats why its better if you use team bridges insted of background they also prevent ladders and with the new update harder to destroy
    GreenArrow17 likes this.