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Archers VS. Catapults

Discussion in 'Archer' started by maxriderules, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. maxriderules

    maxriderules Catapult Fodder

    I'm relatively new to KAG, and tend to play as an archer. The problem is that the other team tend to slaughter me when they get a catapult in a reasonable defended area. This is because they use knights as armour for said catapult, so that I can't get a shot of while they rain knights down behind my team's defences. Any ideas on how to get around this?
    butterscotch and UnnamedPlayer like this.
  2. Bammboo

    Bammboo Ballista Bolt Thrower

    The simplest way to get through the knight protecting the cata would be to get another archer and synch your shots to kill him but, since this rarely happens, you can just hide until the knight leaves or lets down his shield. Another way would be to arc your shots to hit the cata. And if you have competent teammates, just ask a knight to try and bombjump over there and destroy it.
  3. Pesinario

    Pesinario Builder Stabber

  4. D0ubl3Tr0ubl3

    D0ubl3Tr0ubl3 Shopkeep Stealer

    If your on a gold server.
    Funny when I play knight never bother to defend a catapult.
  5. Ulthuanelf

    Ulthuanelf Shark Slayer

    I'm an archer player myself, and I'm afraid switching is the best option here. (Unless your teammates get it done first.)
    I suggest placing some walls and/or spikes as a builder or go knight and slash the enemies as they land. (They probably take falling damage so if you can't get them in time you should still be able to beat one and heal before the next one comes. Plus your fellow knights can help too.)
    Or you could stay archer and get to a high point- somewhere the cata'd knights don't get- and shoot downwards, so they can't destroy your workshops or to assist your knights.
    Chaos-Knight likes this.
  6. maxriderules

    maxriderules Catapult Fodder

    Sorry I was so late in replying, Real life was getting in the way. These are all good ideas, and I'll try them (although there's a erason I play as an archer- I'm a terrible knight and mediocre builder).
  7. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Like Bammbo said, try to arc your shots, this proably is the best way to attack a cata out in the open, because one knight can't protect all of the cata, and the cata has a larger hitbox than a knight's shield.
  8. Ulthuanelf

    Ulthuanelf Shark Slayer

    Oops, looks like I misread again. I tought they were using the cata to launch knights. :|
  9. Chaos-Knight

    Chaos-Knight Bison Rider

    Cirom and Masery like this.
  10. SlyStalker

    SlyStalker Shopkeep Stealer

    If your teammates arent idiots, you can get them to rain down arrows on the cata's general position, even if most or all of them get blocked. once those knights see where you are aiming they will make it their goal to destroy the cata too. so calling down a rain of arrows is basically the same as calling down an air (or in this case knight) strike.
  11. link6155

    link6155 Haxor Staff Alumni Tester Official Server Admin
    1. SharSharShar - [SHARK]

    Easiest way to take/destroy cata for me is to bomb jump, although this would requires to make a tower that's tall enough to reach the cata and far enough that it would be taken down.
  12. Lieber

    Lieber Is Probing Uranus Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Or give them a taste of their own medicine, use a catapult.
    soulrealm, HardPenguin and SlyStalker like this.
  13. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    If they're astute enough, and by saying that I mean if you have the tiniest thread of creative thought and/or tactical awareness, to put a couple of blocks of stone infront of said cata, THEN shield ontop of the little stone shield you've made yourself, your pretty hard pressed to find a way through cos the entire front face is covered. Not such a problem if they're firing from a lower position, because you can find an angle, but in a mindless 32 player game then a tower can easily be high enough to just have a cata pretty much dropping stone on your towers. But if you add a protective roof to the equation, which is pretty rare since most players hardly go to the effort of building 2 stone blocks that would cover the vast majority of easy shots directed at them, then if you have a knight covering that then you have a problem.

    Generally though you have some sort of higher angle to squeeze a shot in because people tend to be quite careless, you just have to find an angle, and on non-mineclustercraftfuck servers there's generally a way of actually attacking a tower and dealing with it directly if it's hard for an archer to get at.
    SlyStalker likes this.
  14. Shadowofgold

    Shadowofgold Haxor

    My favorite pasttime ever: Climb tall tree by cata post. Arrow climb wall. Pick up cata and run away.

    Guitarman and SlyStalker like this.
  15. arcanecat

    arcanecat Shark Slayer

    Now thats evil :P.
  16. GodOfTheChaos

    GodOfTheChaos Builder Stabber

  17. Gofio

    Gofio Gunwobbler x3

    cata's are best battled with catas
    soulrealm likes this.
  18. AnRK

    AnRK Shark Slayer

    Apart from when theirs is a good 30 blocks higher then yours?
  19. Oh, for some reason the enemies shit themselves when you use the ground and destroy the whole tower. Odd how once a cata is involved, it seems like there is only one level of play: The air.
  20. PinXviiN

    PinXviiN Haxor

    Everytime when i get killed by cata...
    I QUIT.gif