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Perfect Kills

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alpaca, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron

    FuzzyBlueBaron Warm, Caring, Benign, Good and Kind Philanthrope Global Moderator Forum Moderator Donator Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Not strictly a 'kill', but very ninja nevertheless. :thumbs_up:
  2. Tx_Syclone_xT

    Tx_Syclone_xT Builder Stabber

    Sorry my bad, haha got too caught up into kag. ;)
  3. KCx13

    KCx13 Catapult Fodder

    My perfect kill?

    I was alone, my whole team were either dead, or had fled underground, camping, on Obans epic RTDM. There were 3 blues, all advancing towards me. As my instincts told me, I fled, jumping over them, landing a few stabs on their noggins.
    But it was then when my fight or flight instincts took a hold of me. I chose fight.
    Quickly, the blue at the head of the que for my demise charged at me, readying a slash, but quickly, I dodged, stabbing him twice, watching his limp body fall onto the ground, my various emotes flooded, :p :D :).

    Then the second one done the same, charging at me. I charged my slash. He went in, trying to hit me, but I was on higher ground, I jumped over him, double slashed his back, and fled past the next one. He was a clever one, coming at me quick, avoiding any unneeded attacks.

    I finally got up high, I stared at my foe, he was waiting for me to attack first. I took the leap of faith, jumping, placing my shield beneath my buttocks, he couldn't dodge, and i squashed his face with my ass, making that satisfying 8 bit crunching noise.

    I call it.
    *Puts on sunglasses*
    Guitarman, ParaLogia and blukey like this.
  4. kkflarg

    kkflarg Bison Rider

    so i was on BC flatmap and i logged in when the units where 0-0, while i was gathering coins my whole team died and it was me vs 16.
    so obviously i blow through 15 of them and then there was 1 left, bomba was his tag (not harms) and he was stuck between 2 of our towers. i jump in and try to kill him, he lights a bomb, throws it, it bounces off the tower behind me, and finally i bash him up and him and his bomb collide in the air and explode.
    best.finisher.evar ;3.
  5. Vaugen

    Vaugen Shopkeep Stealer


    You died too.
  6. rocker2

    rocker2 Ballista Bolt Thrower
    1. PumpkinStars - [Pk#] - Inactive

    But I succeeded in winning my team the game, plus it was pretty badass.
    FuzzyBlueBaron likes this.

    MINIMAN Shark Slayer

    (Back in the day when shield bash was enabled.)

    I was walking through the fields as 3 enemy knights came at me, jab spamming and not even thinking about bashes. As they were coming for me I saw a wall with spikes the enemy built a while ago.
    Dodging their blades i quickly shield based all of them into the spikes, they all died...
    rocker2 likes this.