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Community App [Open Source] Map Editor 1.3.1

A simple yet powerful Map Editor for King Arthur's Gold! Officially discontinued but Open Source!

Mods: Downburst, Mazey
  1. numpad

    numpad Haxor

    Thanks for your feedback!
    I also don't really like the GUI at the moment either, especially the fact that you have to go to the options to change pen-size, but this will be changed soon. (RadioActive has very nice ideas regarding design!)
    If you don't want to scroll constantly, you can also click on the pickaxe (lower-right) and enter a block manually. But later you'll be able to set favorites, which will show up on the very top of the block-selection.

    I don't really understand what you mean with putting the team related things into the other team? Have you checked Team-Symmetry('Sym Team' where the scripts are) and does this solve the problem?
    wilpin7 and BlueLuigi like this.
  2. Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants

    Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants Insanity Incarnate Donator

    Ok, just testing this now, and I'd like to make a few suggestions:

    Your Logo

    If it's at all possible, could you make it less nausea inducing? The rapid bouncing makes me feel sick every time I start the editor up.


    If possible, allow scrolling zooming with the mouse-wheel.

    Add a key to allow quick movement around the map.


    Not sure if this is my graphics card's fault or the programming's, but when I make the window narrower without changing the height, the text in buttons gets really garbled and unintelligible. Aside from that, the font is very jarring, perhaps you could make it bold?

    Instead of clicking to increase the brush size, include a slider, and a variable input box.

    Make the max size of the brush bigger.

    When zoomed out so far, you could replace the images with colours maybe. As it is now, the program gets kind of laggy when you zoom all the way out, I'm guessing because of the amount of images on screen.

    For spikes, and other items on a background, it would be nice if the graphic included the texture of the background behind the spikes.

    My Opinion

    Overall, I like this program, but it has a long way to go before it makes tools like GIMP and Paint.net obsolete. before I'd use it instead of GIMP or paint.net.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
    numpad likes this.
  3. numpad

    numpad Haxor

    Thank you much for your feedback, it's nice to see so much improvements! :-D

    To the Logo: You're right. I think it's pretty annoying, this will be changed soon. (Pro tip: Press space to skip the intro OR modify the first line in MapEditor.jar/content/scr/menu.ps from "showInto = yes" to "showIntro = no" ;-) )

    Controls: Scrolling Zooming with mouse-wheel will definetly be added, and the quick movement can be done by WASD, if this is what you mean.

    Interface: No, it's not your graphics card's fault, it's my engine's. I developed an engine to make games/programs faster, and since I like making everything myself (like rendering without OpenGL etc), this does not look very nice.
    Max size of brush already on ToDo-list ;-)
    Colors when zoomed out is a nice idea.
    And the background for spikes etc. is now also on the ToDo-list.

    Thank you much! :heart:
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
    Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants likes this.
  4. Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants

    Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants Insanity Incarnate Donator

    I mean, I find the default movement speed is slow, not sure if anyone else does, but it'd be nice to be able to either A) set the scroll speed in the program or B) have a boost key, like, pressing shift+WAS or D would move around faster.
  5. numpad

    numpad Haxor

    Yeah, this is already on the ToDo. ;-) (I guess I should link it in the Thread)
    BlueLuigi and Sgnt_Sneeky-Pants like this.
  6. numpad

    numpad Haxor

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
    Noburu and BlueLuigi like this.
  7. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Hmm, it seems to freeze up when i attempt to export a map (doesn't save it, either).
    Starsly and numpad like this.
  8. numpad

    numpad Haxor

    What OS are you using? And try running the editor with a terminal ("java -jar Map Editor.jar"). Then export a map again and show me a screenshot / the content of what the terminal printed.
  9. Trumbles

    Trumbles Bison Rider

    Windows 7, and i'm slightly computer retarded, so i don't know how to run it with a terminal..
  10. numpad

    numpad Haxor

    Assuming you have the "Map Editor.jar" on your Desktop, press Windows-Key + R, input "cmd" in the textbox and press enter. Now write "java -jar Map Editor.jar" (if the .jar-File is called 'Map Editor') and try to export something. It now should print something to the console. Send me an image or the content as text and I try to fix it :-)
    Starsly likes this.
  11. Starsly

    Starsly Bison Rider

    Heres da crash,

    you better get this thing working becuase I fucking hate scrolling though palettes and the wiki in paint.net to make a map
  12. numpad

    numpad Haxor

    Okaay, you have admin permissions right?
    Add me on Skype/Steam to fix this faster ;-)
  13. White_Rock

    White_Rock Catapult Fodder

    Yo! Same problem as above , freezing when i export. I can't acess the Java via the command console, even when i i run as adminstrator. Windows 7, latest edition.
  14. numpad

    numpad Haxor

  15. bout

    bout Shark Slayer

    It doesn't work correct for me. ::(:
  16. numpad

    numpad Haxor

    Please add me on Skype (christian345200) and tell me, what doesn't work (correct)?
  17. Khaleesi

    Khaleesi Mother of Dragons Donator
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Nice Program. I will try it later :)
  18. Reality69

    Reality69 Bison Rider

    you Fixe : Game freezes when exporting maps. is no work and importing map
  19. Inferdy

    Inferdy Arsonist

    I made new epic map...
    This time in your programm...
    jackitch likes this.
  20. numpad

    numpad Haxor

    I'm very sorry!
    I can't figure out why many people seem to have problems with exporting. If you really want to help me, add me on Skype (christian345200) and I will do everything possible to help you.
    Noburu likes this.
Mods: Downburst, Mazey