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Changes for Builders/Bridges

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wyeth, Nov 16, 2011.


What do you think of these changes?

Poll closed Nov 23, 2011.
  1. I like them

  2. I dislike them

  3. I am indifferent

  1. Snow

    Snow KAG Guard Tester

    If you come back to this thread again in the next couple of minutes - read my response on the blog. You might like it or hate it... one of the two. Then get on irc.
  2. Fellere825

    Fellere825 KAG Guard Tester

    Temporary fix that shouldn't get everyone too riled up is to make the player stand still while only building wooden structures.
    SirZergling, Noburu and Jackard like this.
  3. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Well so far the majority of voters supports the ideas,
    I do agree with the ideas but I would like to give 'em a test run before outright putting them in. Its always hard to really wrap your head around what changes like these actually do to the flow.
  4. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Severely dislike the can't move while building. Without a sharp increase in building time at the start this will quickly become extremely annoying. as for the bridges, make it easier for builders to break enemy bridges, why does it need such a huge overhaul? As it is it isn't exactly hard to break the bridges, it takes just as long if not longer for them to chop the wood to make the bridges and this is easily countered many ways, the first of which being having your own bridges lining your entire front wall, if he spams them, break all of yours, his will fall, rebuild yours, it's quite fast.

    Charging to build sounds terrible, but stop everything even worse, just slow it down a lot more, a complete stop is like the worst possible option ever.

    Treating non-natural constructions as breakable within dirt sounds terrible and weird honestly, why would this even be a thing? Most of the time if it's within dirt it's not exactly hard to get around it, and having to waste more stone on background tile would just be annoying.

    Breaking open bridges is the best response (builder only) to all of this really, in fact if it's implemented, none of this other crazy stuff needs to be implemented!

    There should be a lot more falldamage, as it is the heights you can jump from are a bit insane.

    Being protected is almost impossible with the way things work sometimes, you can have 4 knights shielding and an arrow that would be blocked by a shield will still pierce though and hit the builder and he'll die, even though it hit the shield, arrows that hit shields shouldn't pierce even at full damage, or make the hitbox a bit smaller for a knight doing this, currently you'd need about 4-5 knights to properly protect one builder from any possibilities of arrows, as opposed to the 2 (one shield up one shield forward) it should take.

    Building while running is the defense that is necessary in tunnels. They're not fuckers, they're living, what's wrong with this exactly? It won't change, they'll still fill it with stone, they'll just do it before you're right on their ass.
  5. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I like the collapsing underground, it seems fair, and also helps matches when theres a ton of pits left over, people just spam drawbridges and they never get broken, now they have to put background wall it won't be so easy.

    But I agree, at least with the last point, they'll still fill tunnels with stone, just way before you even get there with a much increased build radius.
  6. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Well if you can break open bridges it's still easy to cross those 'pits' of crisscross bridges, spamming them is pretty annoying, but I usually don't notice this happen much outside of terrible 'hell' pits. I really wish unbreakable bottoms would come back, bottomless pits seemed cool at first, but very quickly got boring when people made huge ones and I'd have to yell at my team because I couldn't do anything but push the enemies into their own pit or kill the ones that make it over. It's extremely frustrating.

    The background tile would be okay, but would require the combination of them being breakable while open anyhow, because if they spammed background tile and then drawbridges, you'd need someone to break the drawbridgeas a knight unless they left a tile with background and no drawbridge on it. I've noticed this with spikes too,want to make sure a knight can't break the background? Just fill it with spikes, the background won't break because it always assumes you will hit the foreground object first, kinda funny.

    I think collapsing underground has it's merits and it would have to have a lot of testing to see the different sorts of stuff people would make and how it would come into play, but digging under stuff might just be WAY too OP if this happens. I mean you could just dig a buzzline 3-4 tiles under the dirt straight for them and cut away the bottom of any structure on the way, would be incredibly annoying to combat (given a flat map). I guess there's just a lot of possibilities. I'll have to try and see if I can get KAG test version to work so I can test this out when it inevitably comes.
    Noburu and Neat like this.
  7. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    I forgot about that, digging would be far too powerful. Usually the only thing stopping something collapsing if you dig under is the dirt backwall, but if stuff collapses even on this, then tunneling would just be OP and overused. Not sure about this underground collapsing anymore, unless there's a nerf to tunneling on it's way... Sounds a little overcomplex though.
  8. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    Was wondering when someone will figure this simple fix for issue of digging under structures just to collapse, you just need smart builder... Maybe just a tip that there is a way, will make somebody figure it out... I believe in you! [points into random direction]
  9. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Perhaps, when wooden structures are added, they could be supported by dirt backwall. This would have the awesome side-effect of encouraging people to make the bases of their buildings on the surface out of wood, which would(badum tisch) make for some lovely weak structures. =D
  10. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    Wonkyth wouldn't wood structures be weak against knight which can break wood? And if the only support they will get is from underground... where they will do tunnels?
  11. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    That was my point. =P
  12. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    And there will be a way to make uncollapsible structures if you are smart as builder... guess ill tell the secret in next 2 or so post here xD
  13. Wonkyth

    Wonkyth More precious than carbuncles! Donator Tester

    Wrap a piece of dirt in stone? =D
  14. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    Bulls eye! You win 1 million imaginary dollars that will be transfered to your imaginary bank account.

    Not only you have magically infinite support for any castle and most important the shadow will make it invisible without a builder (can't bomb it if you don't know the place), but when you have the builder under a wall what is the point anyway as he will take whole thing anyway.
  15. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    cmon now....
  16. tekoppar

    tekoppar Horde Gibber

    I'm sorry I don't wanna sound mean or anything but this has to be the worst ideas I have ever heard in gaming history. You seriously wanna make the builder class obsolete once the game has started? It's already impossible to do anything without players that actually know what they are doing. Playing as a builder in the frontline is risky as hell as you can't defend yourself offensively. The only way for the builders at the moment to defend them self is building stone blocks, but now you wanna remove that option because knights complain that they can't steamroll builders all the time and because people spam team bridges?

    Of course builders will spam team bridges as it is the only block that can't easily be destroyed by a knight. Why would we spam ladders instead of bridges when anyone can climb a ladder?

    The only good thing was that you can't build fortifications underground without support.

    T: There is a problem here I know this is a team game but whenever I play as a builder I can never get protecting from my knights nor archers, even if I ask and tell them that I'm building a fortification they just run towards and die by the other sides builder's trap.

    T: I have never seen this happen, I'm sure it happens in a team environment but only any public server this will rarely happen. This will only make public matchers completely one sided if the other team knows how to play and why would anyone wanna get steamrolled over and over.

    T: The only reason I wanna run and build is because I'm having a knight behind me that is capable of running at the exact same speed as a builder. My only way of defending myself against him is to build stone blocks and block his path for a while.

    If you still wanna introduce these changes to the game at least, and I'm seriously begging you. Do it as a server options so people can change it at will.
  17. Jackard

    Jackard Base Burner

    on second thought just do this instead of adding some sort of charge time for everything, that sounds kind of ridiculous and would be hell for the build phase
  18. RebeccaBlack

    RebeccaBlack Shipwright

    Thank you KAG team for discussing this.
    After more thoughts, I do agree with the idea that allowing to destroy open drawbridges might solve it all.
    And if you think theses changes will prevent builders from stone blocking tunnels when being attacked, you're wrong believe me. As a builder that won't stop me at all, I'll just build the first block a little bit sooner and voila.
    About drawbridge, down key opening it and realism, thanks for the reply and infos, you're right it sounds like a crappy idea.
  19. Wyeth

    Wyeth KAG Guard Donator Tester

    Wooow, wow, wow, step back a second and take a deep breath, "in gaming HISTORY"?!
    ....aaand you sure about that? Cause I sure ain't.

    You are also saying that it would make the builder obsolete once the game started... how exactly would that be? Last time I checked someone needs to build the fortifications and ladders for the knights and archers storming the enemy base.
    What I see is that with this change it is needed to build your stuff beforehands (making a more-or-less) secure fortification in which you can jump back once you need to instead of building it in the exact moment of the attack.
    This is not making the builder obsolete, just harder to play... or rather more farsight is needed to be effective or survive.

    It is true that knights do rarely look out for their builder friends, this however is a problem of the players and not a problem of the game. If all the knights in your team don't want to help you out, you are possibly in a bad team.

    Also the thing about the only way of defending yourself: you are not supposed to defend yourself against a knight except the desperate hammering in hopes to do some damage to him. That is basically what they want to disable, that you can just pop up (for the knight) indestructable blocks as soon as he is comming for you.

    You have valid points, but don't overshadow them by saying ridiculous things like you did at the beginning.
    TerryDactyl likes this.
  20. SirSalami

    SirSalami THD Team THD Team Administrator

    I vote dislike, but they are definitely some interesting points.

    Re: bridges - my general 203 thoughts here.

    Re: background tiles - my instant reaction about removing them is that it would not be a good idea, as offensive tunnel collapses could be absolutely devastating and potentially really hard on the server/client. However, testing it would definitely be interesting.

    Re: Block placement - Building using a charge meter sounds complicated / strange to me. If you mean however, simply implementing a progress bar for some of the more difficult blocks, i can agree.

    Perhaps another option is to increase the current cool-down after building and require certain blocks to be 'hit' with left-click multiple times before being built?

    Also, i do agree that builders should be able to build farther out, but only a little, 1 block more, or so.