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Door Placement Tips

Discussion in 'Builder' started by tru0067, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. tru0067

    tru0067 Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester

    Hi all, I'm hoping to share some general tips regarding door placement. The focus is to build structures which are safe, easy to navigate and easy to defend, and I'm hoping these door placement tips will help do exactly that.
    1-1.jpg 1-2.jpg
    Both of these are fairly typical shop structures. However, it could be argued that the second is more sound than the first. The first's doorways are not positioned against a wall, forcing players to use the ladder supplied, or do a well-lined up jump should the ladder be destroyed. However, the ladder slows any players attempting to pass through, and removes any chance of a knight shield bashing through the front doors. Positioning doors against a wall can help aid players to get through them unhindered, and nullifies the need for potentially harmful ladders.
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    This "generic tower" has only one exit, it is at the bottom. However, this door way is relatively difficult to use for the defenders. Since their is no other exit, defenders would be forced to do an annoying half jump in order to use this door way - not something you want to be fiddling with when the enemy is right outside your door! The second image remedies this issue, now defenders can very easily use this doorway, they could even get a run-up for a shield bash due to the close ceiling. This is just as important when getting back in too.
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    This example is directed more at platform usage. In the first image, any player attempting to move up the tower is forced to use the passage that takes them close to the outward facing platforms. This can be potentially dangerous, as an enemy could possibly slash them through there platforms. The second image remedies this issue, simply by positioning the doors - and the passage - away from the platforms.
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    Here the "generic tower" again has only one exit, this time positioned near the middle of the tower. However, any defender attempting to guard this exit, by positioning themself at the doors, ready to attack, may potentially fall down should an ally move up through the tower, ruining their chances of popping out and getting that kill. If this area is very high traffic, it may be nearly impossible for a player to reliably stand at these doors in a position to attack. The second image remedies this issue, by placing solid blocks beneath the exit (it also buffs out the tower quite a bit, but this is not the point at hand), it also assists players in entering back into the tower, by having downward facing platforms immediately above the entry. These platforms help assist players to move through the doors easily, they cannot 'overshoot' them when trying to climb back in.
    4-1.jpg 4-2.jpg
    Here the tower in question employs a downward facing entry-exit. These are often quite tactically strong. They cannot be held open by bodies and defenders have a height advantage over any enemy directly below the doorway - allowing for easy stomping attacks. However, in the first image, any player attempting to move up the tower must pass through the lowermost downward facing doors. This would both disrupt other defenders (as in example 4) and would open the player up to attack from below. The second image remedies both these issues by having the first set of doors positioned slightly higher.
    A simple door at the top of a wall can act as an overhang, making scaling it substantially harder for enemies, while not impeding your own team's progress at all.
    Doors placed immediately next to each other have a chance to be much more bomb resistant (depending on the placement of the bomb). Staggered doors will generally take full damage from bombs.
    Your own team's doors are impervious to your bombs and slashes. You can use this to create an infinite bomb jump area.
    As always I'd love to hear any feedback or thoughts. Feel free to share your own door tips and tricks!

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    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
  2. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Example 1 could be slightly improved by putting the doors on the left (if the enemy is attacking from the right). This reduces the chance of a teammate accidentally opening doors to an enemy while trying to go up.
    In example 2, you should also emphasise how important it is to have a flat path from the outside so it's easier for teammates to retreat back into the base.
    Example 3 is flawed. Doors shouldn't be placed below where the archer would stand because the archer would keep falling through them when a teammate opens the doors. The doors should instead be placed on the wall behind.
    Although it isn't the focus, the archer spot in example 5 should be deeper so the archer doesn't get slashed through the platforms.
    For the image showing door resilience against bombs, I tend to go with the right design but move the bottom door lower. This prevents knights from being able to slash both doors at once and a bomb thrown through the gap would only damage the bottom door. It's difficult/impossible for the bomb to roll off the bottom door and kill you.
  3. tru0067

    tru0067 Ballista Bolt Thrower Tester

    Example 1: I actually prefer the top doors on the same side as the direction the enemy is attacking from. It means that going up is much smoother, you don't have to double back at any point. Additionally the doors are more aggressively placed, an enemy trying to traverse the shop enclosure would have to pass both the front doors and the top doors in order to get over the structure. Something that would be very hard to do if a defending knight stays towards the front of the shop - in a place where they can cover both of these doors. But with the top doors further back the enemy has a bit of a 'safe-zone' above and to the right of the shop after they get past the front most doors.
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    Example 2: Emphasis added, good pick-up.
    Example 3: You are completely correct. However, this isn't an example of a good tower, it's only to be used as an example of the problems of having paths too near platforms.
    Example 5: The archer *can* stand in the door to be safe from slashes near the platforms, although obviously this makes them vulnerable to attacks from behind.
    Bomb Placement: Staggered doors generally still take full damage from bombs, but it is worth a mention. An amendment has been made. Additionally afaik knights cannot slash two doors at once, only multiple platforms can be damaged at once. I'd love to be proved wrong on that though.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
    ParaLogia and epsilon like this.
  4. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    Navigation, that word that hardly appears twice every year at forums.

    I get a bit obsessive with it, because a good navigation is just not noticeable as things work as they're supposed to, but a bad path creation, oh lord. It's usually about placing things leveled and trying to avoid as many key combinations as possible: like "jump leftwards, then release UP at acertain moment but still hold LEFT". Perfect path is "hold LEFT or LEFT + UP and you'll safely be out of the base fast enough".
    Like this example, you have to do 3 key combinations (go down + jump + jump) to get passed that wall, what a hurdle for being your home! Needless to say knights can't shieldsurf this to get out faster.

    A solution should look like the following. Knights will have a hard time trying to shieldsruf still, but the path is easy.

    Also, on placing things on the same level, the importance it has is due to builders and archers retreating when a knight is attacking them. A slight change on the perfect path makes you sometimes lose a jump to enter a castle and the knight gets you:
    I see these things everyday and usually try to level it up:
    EhRa, tru0067, Guitarman and 2 others like this.