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The meaning of your name?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Eggnogg, Jan 31, 2012.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Templar_Frost

    Templar_Frost Horde Gibber

    A Templar is a elite class of medieval knights back in 1000 a.d, also named the Order of the Temple. The fought against the Islamic forces in the crusades and kick ass while doing it, but due to uneasy relations with the Hospitallers, and the Teutonic Order, and the Muslims taking over Jerusalem, they finally broke down and scattered. And frost is just the solid disposition of water vapor from saturated air. So all i did was combine the two, throw in a underscore, and boom.

    Stealthkibbler and Frogdo like this.
  2. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Simply for,
    Warr - games about war ;) (no)
    Fork - for style :B):
  3. Frogdo

    Frogdo Shopkeep Stealer

    Forks be stylin'.
  4. Maverick

    Maverick Haxor

    I got my name from Counterstrike: Condition Zero.
    In the campaign, one of the pro bots you could hire was named Maverick. :)
    Piano, Superblackcat, Auri and 2 others like this.
  5. Rukioish

    Rukioish Catapult Fodder

    I'm Rukio god damnit, and don't you forget it!

    YEAH_NAH Shipwright

    If you live is Aus or NZ, you'll know. :P
    Stealthkibbler and Auri like this.
  7. Frogdo

    Frogdo Shopkeep Stealer

    Yeah, nah bro!
  8. VinnieTheJacket

    VinnieTheJacket Shipwright

    If Joe Pesci, from My Cousin Vinnie, somehow morphed together with his cornerstone jacket, from that movie, into a single entity to rampage the courts of the southern states, VinnieTheJacket is what ya get.
  9. LostPix

    LostPix Base Burner

    I am under two nicknames first Indigo and this as LostPix, Indigo is a colour yes but also reminds me of Tool's songs and probably one of my favourite lines in the song The Pot, LostPix is used by me as secondary nick it has to do with love of art and for pixel graphics and reminds me of my dream to work for Pixar studio, it should have been LostPixel but sometimes the nick is busy, no one uses LostPix or Pix apart from me
    Auri likes this.
  10. MacD

    MacD Shark Slayer

    I was nicknamed "Mac-D" back in secondary school, and I've been using it online ever since. I used to use "codymac44", and before that, I used "sk8board44".

    If MacD, Mac-D, and Mac_D are all unavailable, I usually add a 44 to the end.
  11. timeismoney25

    timeismoney25 Shopkeep Stealer

    Mine is too advanced and complex to try and explain.
    J-man2003 and Auri like this.
  12. Catzilla

    Catzilla Catapult Fodder

    I chose Catzilla because I love cats and I just added a dinosaurish name to it.
    Auri, illu, Chinizz and 1 other person like this.
  13. Catguy19

    Catguy19 Shopkeep Stealer

    Should be obvious.
  14. KAGxPloit

    KAGxPloit Catapult Fodder

    I exploit this game! Ya-ha-haha :eek: For science of course!
  15. The_Khan

    The_Khan Bison Rider

    The origin of my name is th
    at it used to be Markorgis Khan and people called me Mark and Khan and The Khan, and that's how I got mine.
  16. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    Oh, i thought you were just inspired by Genghis Khan or the star-trek meme, "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN"
    miniswrider likes this.
  17. MechaTrickster

    MechaTrickster Banned Donator

    I like robots and the class Trickster in the FFtactics series. Also the word trickster sounds cool.
    Auri likes this.
  18. DrZaloski

    DrZaloski Shopkeep Stealer

    Okay, it started with Zalo, I was young and youthful, and Zalo is a whimsical character me and my friends crafted in grade school, and later the name of my cat. Then after using that, I got MrZalo, after going the YouTube. After a while, my friend said it was too formal and it must be more "chill". So, then can MrZaloski (name that movie!). My doctor status came from 3 things: I got my doctorate in additional pylon construction (obsessive protoss playing in starcraft 1 while waiting for 2), (this is a tad embarrassing) one of the only 2 of the D&D games I played with my non-official special lady friend (and a friend named Dalek!), were I played a failure of a priest with a rouge and a meat shield (paladin), and the last thing was Dalek making a Tardis in minecraft. I had another name, but I frankly forgot it.
  19. CoughDrop

    CoughDrop KAG Guard Tester

    -coughs with the vigor of an intentional interruption-
    Noburu, Piano, Superblackcat and 4 others like this.
  20. MCrypa

    MCrypa Haxor

    Zalo is a detergent in Norway :D

    First I started with rypa while playing travian. I tried all kinds of names, but they were taken. I was kind of a birdenthusiast, so I wrote in "rype" (a grouse and a girl (I didn't think of that, really :p)) but it was taken. So I tried rypa, and it worked!
    The MC was added later on. I was playing minecraft, then suddenly somebody managed to hack my email. The hacker changed pass on everything and I was foolish enough to forget my secuirity answer (What is your favourite ficitional character - I was like 5/6 when I created the email... ) And so I created a new email and got a giftcode from a friend :) I decided to name it "MC - rypa" so people would recognize me. The MC stands for Minecraft, hehehe, so my name means: "Minecraftgrouse or Minecraftgirl/chick" Then I managed to magically retrieve my pass (email) and immediatly changed it. I also changed secuirity questions. And thats the story about how I ended up with two minecraft premium accounts, wohoo :D
    Auri likes this.
Mods: BlueLuigi