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Feb 27, 2018
Mar 31, 2015
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I was banned from TTF less than 5 mins after i got the game! i was banned for griefing when i did nothing of the sort, please help! Mar 31, 2015

BBAACCOONN was last seen:
Feb 27, 2018
      I was banned from TTF less than 5 mins after i got the game! i was banned for griefing when i did nothing of the sort, please help!
      1. Galen
        Please give information regarding the server's name and any admins (people with red nicks) that were on the server when you played on it.

        Also there's a possibility that you just got pingbanned, which happens when you exceed a set amount of max ping (ie latency) for too long. Since you timeouted in IRC, I think that's why you got banned.
        Mar 31, 2015
      2. Egholm
        Ey man! I don't know anything about your case but some people tend to forget that we seriously need more players in the game. I can teach you some basics if you'd like and maybe introduce you to some people and get you feeling all warm and cozy :>
        Hit me up on a message and we can work something out! <3
        Mar 31, 2015
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