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Last Activity:
Feb 8, 2025 at 2:30 AM
Feb 23, 2014
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December 31
The caribbean
Master thief


Haxor, Male, from The caribbean

i love you guys and i hope to see all of you soon Dec 20, 2024

CaptainKyle was last seen:
Feb 8, 2025 at 2:30 AM
    1. CaptainKyle
      i love you guys and i hope to see all of you soon
    2. CaptainKyle
      and have fun together atleast one last time
    3. CaptainKyle
      i know all of you have lived your lives and i hope i can bring this game back to life so that one day, we can all come back together
    4. CaptainKyle
      i do not know if any of you will ever read this, but i want to revive this game and i want to make memories with all of you again
      1. tigorsun
        we are with you <3
        Dec 21, 2024
      2. CaptainKyle
        thank you! We are already doing a rework and are gathering the resources to do a full revamp of the kag systems and I plan to bring kag classic as well! :3 the community is still alive and well!!!!
        Jan 15, 2025
    5. CaptainKyle
      I have been gone for so long
    6. Heisennberg
      Wake up loser, we got a game to revive
      1. CaptainKyle
        lol already trying
        Sep 21, 2020
    7. CaptainKyle
      I am back Lads and Lasses, Sorry for being gone for so long, i shall be starting up a steam group and a discord server.
      1. epic_cookies123
        Hello Kyle :)
        Dec 4, 2019
      2. CaptainKyle
        Hey cookies whats up
        Sep 9, 2020
    8. MeAtItzFinest
      Kyle u giant skid, if u dont get the clan back together ima be real mad. (blu_marie, livsnitch, and all those other inactive skids i dont remember)
      1. CaptainKyle
        Hey meatitzfinest, i am going to start a steam group for us maybe even a discord server
        Jul 29, 2018
    9. fanaticmetroid
      We shall never forget Kyle.
    10. CaptainKyle
      I have exams that determine the rest of my life and the love of my life ....... yeah......
    11. CaptainKyle
      hey guys sorry i cant be on ...... well often that is :(
    12. livsnitch
      Happy Late Birthday!
    13. icemusher
      Happy Birthday!
    14. SpideY
      It could be cool if you are in the competitive forum to answer match requests.
      1. SpideY
        Hum ?
        Nov 11, 2014
      2. RampageX
        he's clueless this guy
        Nov 16, 2014
      3. dayleaf
        You mean because the awesome Pic? :D
        Nov 21, 2014
    15. livsnitch
      What are some T.V shows you like?
    16. livsnitch
      I didn't know there was a sequel to the Ranger Apprentice series. I've read the Ranger's Apprentice series up to one where it goes into the future and they find stories on what had happened the last century or centuries underneath the cabin.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. icemusher
        Remember how in the tenth book, Gundar talks about his new ship, how a half Skandian, half Araleun boy comes up with the new design that allows it to sail into the wind?
        Nov 4, 2014
      3. icemusher
        It's about that boy. Only read the first book though.
        Nov 4, 2014
      4. livsnitch
        I know, I've read that before. I guess I have read all of Ranger's Apprentice then.
        Nov 4, 2014
    17. CaptainKyle
      Well i like the sequel to the ranger apprentice series, i like the eragon series hmm the pen dragon series the heroes of olympus series
      1. PUNK123
        SHITTER THE HEROES OF OLYMIPUS SERIES SUX;eragon was ok last book sucked cox
        Nov 4, 2014
    18. livsnitch
      What are some book series you like?
    19. CaptainKyle
      For dramatic songs yeah the songs that like hits you with its lyrics and rhythm...yeah those are cool
    20. CaptainKyle
      yeah songs with a faster beat i like those alot! I cant listen to rap its to slow and when its fast you cant understand a thing he says
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  • About

    December 31
    The caribbean
    Master thief
    I am a thinker, i am fascinated by many things i ponder and hypothesize about things that dont concern me
    I get in trouble alot i am always curious im always looking for something to interest me i am naturally good with any form of technology
    These are the things i value in myself

    This is my fear
    To live a life where i am bored everyday with a job i dont like with only minor activites to amuse me and with people who talk behind my back and dont like me because i am weird to them or in other words i am afraid of living a normal life.

    This is my goal
    My goal is to travel the world and go on many adventures ,crack many mysteries, fight in battles, reveal secrets kept from the eye of man,and to live a life full of excitement and glory where i am judged by my skill with both blade and intellect where i can feel like a hero and leave a legacy that will burn the books of history to reveal the truth of past present and future and to be remembered for thousands of years to come or live for thousands of years.

    What you should know when dealing me me (a master thief) or any of my guild mates
    1.Do not under any circumstances try to piss me off i am not very nice when im pissed off

    2.Do not mess with any of my thieves, we stand as one and as one we will fuck you over.

    3.No matter where you hide your gold know i will find it, no matter how many people guard your gold know i can still get it, no matter who you are i never back down.

    4.I am a nice person and i like to make friends so lets be friends :P
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