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Last Activity:
Jul 24, 2014
Jun 7, 2012
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Shopkeep Stealer, from France

Nothing is as it used to be. I will regret the good time of Classic. Jul 20, 2014

Ivy was last seen:
Jul 24, 2014
    1. SpideY
      1. Ivy likes this.
      2. Ivy
        Une nouvelle Despote vient de s'enrôler ;)
        Sep 7, 2012
    2. SpideY
      Coucou ! Dis moi, tu ne rechercherais pas une team par hasard ?
      1. Ivy
        Salut. C'est gentil de proposer mais à de rares exceptions, la mentalité des Fr que j'ai croisé sur ce jeu ne m'a jamais vraiment attirée pour tenter le pari de rejoindre un clan. Leur jeune âge ou la tendance au Kikoo Lol a le don de m'exaspérer très vite. Il y a néanmoins bcp de Fr ces jours ci, tu n'auras pas de mal à recruter.
        Sep 3, 2012
      2. SpideY
        Nous sommes justement une communauté de joueurs assez âgés jouant ensemble depuis longtemps où les mots tels que kikoulol ou cod sont bannis ;)

        On a une grande liste de jeux et on se fait des matchs KAG à l'occaz, on recherche en particulier en ce moment de bons archers, tu devrais passer sur le mumble pour que ça te donne une idée!
        Sep 3, 2012
    3. Ivy
    4. PumpkingSlice
      Justi scare you away? I will stalk him and lead him off for you to come back.
      1. Ivy likes this.
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      3. PumpkingSlice
        Well the people would be interested and attracted towards you thus leading to me giving you up to them. While this is happening I plant a seed into the area which rapidly grows pumpkins at an alarming rate. Thus leading to me successfully taking over and controlling whatever I please.
        TL;DR Version: All your bases belong to me. Rinse and repeat.
        Sep 3, 2012
      4. justi01
        I agree with me being interesting and attrative. At the end of the day, that's all that matters. C:
        Sep 3, 2012
      5. PumpkingSlice
        I dunno. Sounds like a trap to me broski.
        Sep 3, 2012
    5. norill
      1. Kinpump, SirSammy and Ivy like this.
      2. Kinpump
        Wow, those are some pretty funny ingame scenes! :D
        Love it.
        Sep 12, 2012
    6. Chinizz
      mein Gott
      1. Ivy likes this.
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      3. Chinizz
        parce que c'est censé la représenter? Dis toi que ma fascination pour les licornes n'est pas moins malsaine.
        Aug 4, 2012
      4. Ivy
        Intrinsèquement oui, les Chinizz la détestent de surcroit. La licorne c'est pour ton côté fleur bleue ou pour palier à ton manque de poney club quand t'étais petit ? Avoue.
        Aug 4, 2012
      5. Chinizz
        les licornes? juste un délire de tripé, j'ai du voir ça sous pseudo mescaline et ça m'a marqué je crois.
        Aug 4, 2012
    7. justi01
      1. PumpkingSlice and Ivy like this.
    8. PumpkingSlice
      So now you have gone for "sexy" anime girls? Yey? Hope fully Justi will be sad and maybe he will start watching anime :3 (make him watch it he does not know what he is missing)
      1. Ivy and justi01 like this.
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      3. PumpkingSlice
        Nah Asia all the way broski ;) (the whole of Asia - because well I am asian)
        Jul 27, 2012
      4. justi01
        I hope you're happy now Pumpkin, I've been watching Anime. Now you won't have to bother me about it again. Everrr. ;)

        On a side note, why do the Britannians have to be the antagonists? I feel bad for the Eleven's 'n all, but whyyyyyyy?! ;-;
        Jul 29, 2012
      5. PumpkingSlice
        I am not happy. Why? because this evil laptop is very bad and I can't even watch anime properly :'<
        Jul 29, 2012
    9. Titmau5
      1. Ivy likes this.
      2. Ivy
        SLUT Yourself ! <3 My favorite partner.
        Jul 26, 2012
      3. PumpkingSlice
        Calm down ladies.
        Jul 26, 2012
      4. Titmau5
        Jul 26, 2012
    10. Ryu
      Alors, le Mont Saint Michel, Breton ou Normand?
      1. Ivy likes this.
      2. Ivy
        Un dilemme à donner une syncope à un indépendantiste! Il est à ceux qui sentent trop fort l'eau de Cologne et qui sont prêts à se faire léser pour deux coquilles St Jacques (honteusement) trop tièdes.
        Jul 19, 2012
      3. Ryu
        Arf, voilà bien la réponse de quelqu'un qui ne veut pas se mouiller. Mais je suis d'accord dans le fond (surtout sur les coquilles St Jacques). Quand aux syncopés trop parfumés, qu'ils se noient dans leur dépendance d'indépendance, ça fera danser les panda.
        Jul 21, 2012
    11. SirSammy
      You let them gang rape us. :< I Said Mercy.
      1. Ivy likes this.
      2. Ivy
        When mercy starts then love fades away.
        Jul 19, 2012
    12. Ivy
      1. Staross, Kinpump, WarrFork and 3 others like this.
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      3. WarrFork
        Les images de KAG sur ton blog sont juste trop drôles Ivy. :P
        Jul 26, 2012
      4. Ivy
        This little pumpkin head has suffered greatly because of my ☆amazing arrow spamming technique☆ I'm eaten up with remorse now :3
        @Warrfork Merci de ton petit com' ;) Tes signas sont vraiment sympa!
        Jul 26, 2012
      5. PumpkingSlice
        Shhh :P Guys don't tell her that I secretly like her arrow spam. Keep it a secret :3
        Jul 26, 2012
    13. Rambo
      Hola Ivy como estas? quel est ton nom? well goodbye.
      1. Ivy likes this.
      2. Ivy
        Métete en tus asuntos. No trata de hacerme tragar que puedas tambien hablar frances! jajaja. You can speak spanish and english fluently, It's already very good niñato. A la prochaine.
        Jul 17, 2012
      3. Rambo
        Jaja si, la verdad no se frances but who cares right?
        Jul 17, 2012
    14. Bunnyninja
    15. MeroMero
      BOUH ! nargue moi encore une fois je crève ton chat, foutu archer §§§
      1. Ivy likes this.
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      3. MeroMero
        ouep mais la rentrée sera pas de repos avec le taff et tout et tout.. les temps antiques sont épiques, ça a passé vite hein ? ronchonne pas va, on remettra ça quand je reviendrai =) héhé
        Jun 29, 2012
      4. Ivy
        Ulrich, puis toi, jusqu'à ma propre dissolution... plus Jacobin tu meurs :3 Chacun est reparti dans le tourbillon de la vie comme on dit. Tant pis, have fun et vich dich ! ♣
        Jun 29, 2012
      5. MeroMero
        ich werde dich vermissen :C
        Jun 29, 2012
    16. justi01
      Come onto the Derpfree server once and awhile, you were voted in for a reason! :>
      1. Bammboo likes this.
    17. Froghead48
      Where is your avatar from?
      1. Ivy likes this.
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      3. Froghead48
        atleast im taking french in school :>
        Jun 25, 2012
      4. Ivy
        Jun 25, 2012
      5. Froghead48
        i doubt i will ever be able to speak frenh fluently :L
        that looks like a good book
        Jun 25, 2012
    18. Contrary
      Hey you're from France! I have a France in my country too.
      1. Ivy likes this.
      2. Ivy
        Oh, you're Canadian! After Cajuns, They speak the weirdest French in this world x) Nice to see you here Poison (I like your avatar).
        Jun 24, 2012
      3. Contrary
        I think it's funny how in canada french is taught in schools, is on packaging and public messages, yet very few people can speak good french. meanwhile france is bursting with fluent english speakers.
        Jun 26, 2012
    19. justi01
      I remember last week, you came out of no where and begun constantly shooting me :< You're not a very nice person you know! ^.^
      1. Ivy likes this.
      2. Ivy
        Dear Brit. You're so unconscious to swim when I keep my eyes on you è_é. If I take pleasure in torturing you it's only because you're so nice. But, you won't see the back of a frog bugger that easily :3
        Jun 17, 2012
      3. Froghead48
        Frog Bugger?!? :O
        Jun 25, 2012
    20. Templar_Frost
      Hey, your the dude that was constantly sniping me the other day! Your a really good archer.
      1. Froghead48 and Ivy like this.
      2. Ivy
        Hi Templar, I remember you ! I didn't do any favors, it must have been infuriating. Thanks for your message dear pony =) See you again \o/
        Jun 16, 2012
      3. Templar_Frost
        Don't worry, the damage done to my monitor can be fixed.

        I think...
        Jun 16, 2012
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    Creeping where grim death hath been,
    A rare old plant is the Ivy green.
