1. Hey Guest, is it this your first time on the forums?

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Trophies Awarded to Newbie

  1. 60
    Awarded: Mar 15, 2018

    Stockholm Syndrome

    You've been on the forums for over 6 years. If you're expecting a gift of candy then you've misapprehended the nature of our relationship.

  2. 50
    Awarded: May 24, 2017

    Forum Elder

    You've been on the forums for over 5 years. If you had bought a hamster instead of KAG, it would be dead by now.

  3. 40
    Awarded: Dec 13, 2016


    You've been on the forums for over 4 years. You could have escaped while you had the chance... but you didn't. Is it because you *like* pain? Or does it simply make you feel all warm and glowy on the inside? We worry about you.

  4. 30
    Awarded: Dec 13, 2016

    Mathusalem Fag

    You've been on the forums for over 3 years. Please seek professional help.

  5. 20
    Awarded: Apr 21, 2014

    Old Fag

    You've been on the forums for over 2 years. Go home, forum whore! ...oh wait, this *is* your home. Sorry, our bad.

  6. 5
    Awarded: Apr 21, 2014

    I Like It a Lot

    Your messages have been liked 25 times. Keep up the good work!

  7. 10
    Awarded: Jul 30, 2013


    You've been on the forums for over a year. Hope you spent some of that time with your family...

  8. 5
    Awarded: Jul 30, 2013

    Not a total nub

    You've been on the forums for over 6 months. Hopefully you've learned something.

  9. 10
    Awarded: Mar 2, 2012

    Premium Player

    You've bought one of our games! Thanks! :D

  10. 1
    Awarded: Feb 26, 2012

    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!

  11. 1
    Awarded: Feb 26, 2012

    First Message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this. Welcome to the community! Here's hoping you enjoy your stay. :)