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If you asked me a couple years ago if bunnie should get admin I'd have to say no, but bunnie has definitely matured and is now a perfect fit for...
These areas look a little tight;[ATTACH]I really like this one though.
I'll work on it in a couple hours. I will fix up Crevice as well.
I can in a little while.
These areas look like they would be awkward for knight combat and movement in general; [ATTACH]
What's your Discord Tag? Geek#1257 Do you have any mapping experience? If so, please tell us about it. Yes, I've made quite a few TDM maps and...
For a couple months now I've been off of KAG, getting on every so often. I've had less and less time to spend both in-game and on the discord and...
@CrispyChicken030 Once you've made your map put it in /Base/Maps which is located in the main KAG folder. Open autoconfig.cfg and change...
Map name: GomeksSewers Gamemode: TDM Symmetrical: Yes Special features: 3 chests 2 shops floodable sections Map name:...
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